查找给定字符串的所有回文子串|集合 2

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/find-回文-子字符串-给定-字符串-set-2/

给定一个字符串,任务是从给定的字符串中找到所有的回文子字符串。 在集合–1中,已经讨论了另一种方法,该方法只考虑不同的子串,但是在这种情况下,相等的子串,即 ll 和 ll 被认为是两个子串,而不是一个。


输入:hellolle 输出:13 【h,e,l,ll,l,o,lol,lloll,ellille,l,ll,l,e】 解释: 1) ellolle 2) ll,ll–注意,这是两个不同的子串,只是碰巧相等 3) lol 和 lloll 4)当然,每个字母都可以被认为是回文–全部 8 个。

输入:geesforgeks 输出:15 【g,e,ee,e,k,s,f,o,r,g,e,ee,e,k,s】

方法: 1-我们可以有两种类型的回文串需要处理-偶数长度-奇数长度 2-想法是考虑一个中点,通过每次增加一个距离或回文串,比较左边的元素和右边的元素,一直检查回文串,直到不匹配。 3-该算法一次处理偶数和奇数长度回文。 4-枢轴从 0 开始,以 0.5 的步长移动到终点。 ……。a)当透视是非分数值时,则回文值是从 0 开始的整数。 ……。b)当轴是一个小数值时,回文值类似于 0.5,1.5,2.5,3.5.. 5-所以,每次我们得到一个回文匹配,我们把它放在一个列表中(这样重复的值被保留,因为每个重复的子串是由不同的字母位置组合获得的)


// c++ program to Count number of ways we
// can get palindrome string from a given
// string
using namespace std;

// function to find the substring of the
// string
string substring(string s,int a,int b)
    string s1="";

    // extract the specified position of
    // the string
    for(int i = a; i < b; i++)
        s1 = s1 + s[i];

    return s1;

// can get palindrome string from a
// given string
vector<string> allPalindromeSubstring(string s)
    vector<string> v ;

    // moving the pivot from starting till
    // end of the string
    for (float pivot = 0; pivot < s.length();
                                 pivot += .5)

        // set radius to the first nearest
        // element on left and right
        float palindromeRadius = pivot -

        // if the position needs to be
        // compared has an element and the
        // characters at left and right
        // matches
        while ((pivot + palindromeRadius)
         < s.length() && (pivot - palindromeRadius)
         >= 0 && s[((int)(pivot - palindromeRadius))]
             == s[((int)(pivot + palindromeRadius))])

            v.push_back(substring(s,(int)(pivot -
                     palindromeRadius), (int)(pivot
                           + palindromeRadius + 1)));

            // increasing the radius by 1 to point
            // to the next elements in left and right

    return v;

// Driver code
int main()
    vector <string> v =

    cout << v.size() << endl;
    for(int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++)
        cout << v[i] << ",";
    cout << endl;
    v = allPalindromeSubstring("geeksforgeeks");
    cout << v.size() << endl;

    for(int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++)
        cout << v[i] << ",";

// This code is contributed by Arnab Kundu.

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java program to Count number of ways we
// can get palindrome string from a given string
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class AllPalindromeSubstringsPossible {
    public static List<String> allPalindromeSubstring(String s)
        List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();

        // moving the pivot from starting till end of the string
        for (float pivot = 0; pivot < s.length(); pivot += .5) {

            // set radius to the first nearest element
            // on left and right
            float palindromeRadius = pivot - (int)pivot;

            // if the position needs to be compared has an element
            // and the characters at left and right matches
            while ((pivot + palindromeRadius) < s.length()
                   && (pivot - palindromeRadius) >= 0
                   && s.charAt((int)(pivot - palindromeRadius))
                          == s.charAt((int)(pivot + palindromeRadius))) {

                list.add(s.substring((int)(pivot - palindromeRadius),
                                     (int)(pivot + palindromeRadius + 1)));

                // increasing the radius by 1 to point to the
                // next elements in left and right

        return list;

    // Drivers code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        List<String> list = allPalindromeSubstring("hellolle");
        list = allPalindromeSubstring("geeksforgeeks");

Python 3

# Python3 program to Count number of ways we
# can get palindrome string from a given
# string

# function to find the substring of the
# string
def substring(s, a, b):
    s1 = ""

    # extract the specified position of
    # the string
    for i in range(a, b, 1):
        s1 += s[i]

    return s1

# can get palindrome string from a
# given string
def allPalindromeSubstring(s):
    v = []

    # moving the pivot from starting till
    # end of the string
    pivot = 0.0
    while pivot < len(s):

        # set radius to the first nearest
        # element on left and right
        palindromeRadius = pivot - int(pivot)

        # if the position needs to be
        # compared has an element and the
        # characters at left and right
        # matches
        while ((pivot + palindromeRadius) < len(s) and
                   (pivot - palindromeRadius) >= 0 and
                  (s[int(pivot - palindromeRadius)] ==
                   s[int(pivot + palindromeRadius)])):
             v.append(s[int(pivot - palindromeRadius):
                        int(pivot + palindromeRadius + 1)])

             # increasing the radius by 1 to point
             # to the next elements in left and right
             palindromeRadius += 1

        pivot += 0.5
    return v

# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    v = allPalindromeSubstring("hellolle")

    v = allPalindromeSubstring("geeksforgeeks")

# This code is contributed by
# sanjeev2552


// C# program to Count number of ways we
// can get palindrome string from a given string
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class AllPalindromeSubstringsPossible
    public static List<String> allPalindromeSubstring(String s)
        List<String> list = new List<String>();

        // moving the pivot from starting till end of the string
        for (float pivot = 0; pivot < s.Length; pivot+= (float).5)

            // set radius to the first nearest element
            // on left and right
            float palindromeRadius = pivot - (int)pivot;

            // if the position needs to be compared has an element
            // and the characters at left and right matches
            while ((pivot + palindromeRadius) < s.Length
                && (pivot - palindromeRadius) >= 0
                && s[(int)(pivot - palindromeRadius)]
                        == s[(int)(pivot + palindromeRadius)])

                list.Add(s.Substring((int)(pivot - palindromeRadius),
                            (int)(pivot + palindromeRadius + 1)-
                            (int)(pivot - palindromeRadius)));

                // increasing the radius by 1 to point to the
                // next elements in left and right

        return list;

    // Drivers code
    public static void Main(String[] args)
        List<String> list = allPalindromeSubstring("hellolle");
        for(int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
        list = allPalindromeSubstring("geeksforgeeks");
        for(int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)

/* This code contributed by PrinciRaj1992 */

java 描述语言


// JavaScript program to Count number of ways we
// can get palindrome string from a given string

function allPalindromeSubstring(s)
    let list = [];

        // moving the pivot from starting till end of the string
        for (let pivot = 0; pivot < s.length; pivot += .5) {

            // set radius to the first nearest element
            // on left and right
            let palindromeRadius = pivot - Math.floor(pivot);

            // if the position needs to be compared has an element
            // and the characters at left and right matches
            while ((pivot + palindromeRadius) < s.length
                   && (pivot - palindromeRadius) >= 0
                   && s[(Math.floor(pivot - palindromeRadius))]
                          == s[Math.floor(pivot + palindromeRadius)])

                list.push(s.substring(Math.floor(pivot -
                Math.floor(pivot + palindromeRadius + 1)));

                // increasing the radius by 1 to point to the
                // next elements in left and right

        return list;

// Drivers code
let list = allPalindromeSubstring("hellolle");
document.write("["+list.join(", ")+"]<br>");
list = allPalindromeSubstring("geeksforgeeks");
document.write("["+list.join(", ")+"]<br>");

// This code is contributed by avanitrachhadiya2155



[h, e, l, ll, l, o, lol, lloll, ellolle, l, ll, l, e]
[g, e, ee, e, k, s, f, o, r, g, e, ee, e, k, s]

注意:要打印不同的子字符串,请使用 Set,因为它只接受不同的元素。