
原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/如何在安卓中创建问答应用/

安卓 是一个 操作系统是为基本上为手机打造的。它基于 Linux Kernel 等开源 软件,由 谷歌 开发。安卓现在在学生中非常受欢迎,学生们现在选择安卓作为他们的项目。对于初学者来说,构建婴儿安卓应用来学习安卓非常重要。在本文中,让我们使用 Java 在安卓系统中创建一个简单的问答应用。一个简单的测验应用程序,包含一组精选的问题及其答案,并检查用户给出的答案的正确性。它使用动态编程浏览问题。



  • 点击左侧最左上角的文件选项。
  • 然后点击新建,打开一个新建项目,并命名该项目。
  • 现在选择语言为 Java 的空活动。
  • 将其命名为 QuizApp

Creating a new project

第二步:用 activity_main.xml 设计 UI

activity_main.xml 文件中添加以下代码。这里的父布局是一个线性布局,其方向设置为垂直。里面有一个 ImageView ,一个 TextView ,两个按钮,两个image button。按钮和图像按钮位于水平方向的子线性布局中。图像视图用于显示图像,文本视图用于显示问题,按钮用于指示真/假,图像按钮用于导航到下一个/上一个问题。

*在* 可绘制文件夹中添加图像:****


  • *花卉图像* (f1/f2/f3/f4/f5/f6/f7):参考这个。
  • *下一个图标*为 :参考。****
  • *上一个图标*的 :参考这个。****
  • *表情符号*:参考这个

*activity_main.xml* 文件的完整代码如下。


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!--Using linear layout with vertical orientation and center gravity -->
<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"

    <!--ImageView used for showing pictures along with questions-->

    <!--TextView used for showing questions on screen-->

    <!--Using another LinearLayout for showing buttons
        in horizontal orientation-->

            android:text="@string/true_text" />

            android:text="@string/false_text" />



            android:text="@string/prev_text" />

            android:text="@string/next_text" />


*在 activity_main.xml 中添加这段代码后,UI 看起来像:*

*第三步:与 Question.java 合作*

要创建新的 Java 类右键单击一个 Java 文件或文件夹,选择新建> Java 类

现在在Question.java中添加以下代码。这里使用 getters 和 setters 方法来检索和设置数据。方法 是一个答案真() 返回答案真就像在问题构造函数中已经传递的一样。


package org.geeksforgeeks.quizapp;

public class Question
    // answerResId will store question
    private int answerResId;

    // answerTrue will store correct answer
    // of the question provided
    private boolean answerTrue;

    public Question(int answerResId, boolean answerTrue)
      // setting the values through
      // arguments passed in constructor
      this.answerResId = answerResId;
      this.answerTrue = answerTrue;

    // returning the question passed
    public int getAnswerResId() 
      return answerResId; 

    // setting the question passed
    public void setAnswerResId(int answerResId)
      this.answerResId = answerResId;

    // returning the correct answer
    // of question
    public boolean isAnswerTrue() 
      return answerTrue; 

    // setting the correct
    // ans of question
    public void setAnswerTrue(boolean answerTrue)
      this.answerTrue = answerTrue;

*第 4 步:使用 strings.xml 文件*

strings.xml 文件中,我们必须提供题库。人们可以在这个文件中添加许多问题。


    <!--All the string resources come here including Questions and title -->
    <string name="app_name">GFG | HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW SIMRAN?</string>
    <string name="correct"><b>CORRECTNESS IS</b> \n
                           <b>%1$d</b> OUT OF 6</string>
    <string name="true_text">true</string>
    <string name="false_text">false</string>
    <string name="correct_answer">That\'s correct</string>
    <string name="wrong_answer">That\'s incorrect</string>
    <string name="a">Simran loves Chocolates.</string>
    <string name="b">Simran Knows Following Skills:\n \t
                     <b>Ballet</b>\n \t
    <string name="c">Do You Think Simran Believes In:\n \t
    <string name="d">Do You Think Simran Wants To Visit <b>Italy</b></string>
    <string name="e">Simran Loves Loyalty.</string>
    <string name="f">Simran Sleeps Less</string>
    <string name="next_text">next</string>
    <string name="prev_text">previous</string>


*第五步:与 MainActivity.java 合作*

*onCreate()* 方法在 app 启动时首先被调用。问题[] 数组用问题标识和正确答案进行实例化。setOnClickListener()方法在每次点击按钮/ImageButton 时都会被调用,因此当用户点击一个按钮时,它会通过 getId() 方法检查其 Id ,并按照我们的逻辑执行动作。updateQuestion()通过 TextViewsettext() 方法更新问题,并通过跟踪问题编号来更改图像。check answer()方法点击按钮检查原答案,并使用 Toast 相应显示文本。


package org.geeksforgeeks.quizapp;

import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.ImageButton;
import android.widget.ImageView;
import android.widget.TextView;
import android.widget.Toast;
import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi;
import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity;

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity
    implements View.OnClickListener {
    // setting up things
    private Button falseButton;
    private Button trueButton;
    private ImageButton nextButton;
    private ImageButton prevButton;
    private ImageView Image;
    private TextView questionTextView;
    private int correct = 0;
    // to keep current question track
    private int currentQuestionIndex = 0;

    private Question[] questionBank = new Question[] {
        // array of objects of class Question
        // providing questions from string
        // resource and the correct ans
        new Question(R.string.a, true),
        new Question(R.string.b, false),
        new Question(R.string.c, true),
        new Question(R.string.d, true),
        new Question(R.string.e, true),
        new Question(R.string.f, false),


    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
        // setting up the buttons
        // associated with id
        falseButton = findViewById(R.id.false_button);
        trueButton = findViewById(R.id.true_button);
        nextButton = findViewById(R.id.next_button);
        prevButton = findViewById(R.id.prev_button);
        // register our buttons to listen to
        // click events
            = findViewById(R.id.answer_text_view);
        Image = findViewById(R.id.myimage);

    @RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP)
    public void onClick(View v)
        // checking which button is
        // clicked by user
        // in this case user choose false
        switch (v.getId()) {
        case R.id.false_button:

        case R.id.true_button:

        case R.id.next_button:
            // go to next question
            // limiting question bank range
            if (currentQuestionIndex < 7) {
                    = currentQuestionIndex + 1;
                // we are safe now!
                // last question reached
                // making buttons
                // invisible
                if (currentQuestionIndex == 6) {
                        R.string.correct, correct));
                    if (correct > 3)

                            "CORRECTNESS IS " + correct
                            + " "
                            + "OUT OF 6");
                    // showing correctness
                    // if correctness<3 showing sad emoji
                else {

        case R.id.prev_button:
            if (currentQuestionIndex > 0) {
                    = (currentQuestionIndex - 1)
                      % questionBank.length;

    @RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP)
    private void updateQuestion()
              "onClick: " + currentQuestionIndex);

        // setting the textview with new question
        switch (currentQuestionIndex) {
        case 1:
            // setting up image for each
            // question
        case 2:
        case 3:
        case 4:
        case 5:
        case 6:
        case 7:
    private void checkAnswer(boolean userChooseCorrect)
        boolean answerIsTrue
            = questionBank[currentQuestionIndex]
        // getting correct ans of current question
        int toastMessageId;
        // if ans matches with the
        // button clicked

        if (userChooseCorrect == answerIsTrue) {
            toastMessageId = R.string.correct_answer;
        else {
            // showing toast
            // message correct
            toastMessageId = R.string.wrong_answer;

            .makeText(MainActivity.this, toastMessageId,


