如何在 Android Studio 中将不同的视图缩放到所有屏幕大小?

原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/如何在安卓工作室中将不同视图缩放到所有屏幕尺寸/


注:本文用 XML 可视化工具代替安卓工作室


  1. Hard-coding the values in dp (density pixel): We know that pixels are a unit of measure for an image or any object that appears on a computer screen. But if we specify the size of a View in pixels, there’s a very big problem which will arise since every device has a different pixel screen ratio. The more the number of pixel a device has, the more crisper and better quality images can be seen.

    例如,如果我们将视图指定为4 像素 4 像素*,它可能会根据相关设备以不同的大小显示。

    我们可以通过在密度-像素(dp) 而不是像素中指定视图来克服这个问题。当在 dp 中指定时,设备本身会调整视图,使视图占据其预期的空间。


    java <TextView     android:text="You are in GeeksforGeeks!"     android:background="#66bb6a"     android:layout_width="250dp"     android:layout_height="450dp" />

    注意:要运行此代码,请从 XML 可视化工具中删除之前编写的任何代码,并粘贴上述代码。


    我们在一个绿色的大矩形里看到一个非常小的字。长方形是我们规定的尺寸: 450dp*250dp 。从代码中可以明显看出,在指定视图的大小时(在上面的例子中是一个文本视图),我们需要设置两个参数的值:高度和宽度。如果它们中的任何一个不存在,代码就不会运行。

  2. Using wrap_content: Generally, hard-coding the values in dp isn’t a good practice. Take the above output as an example: our text is quite tiny but we are using a gigantic green box to enclose it. Not only it looks weird but it also takes a lot of unnecessary space. Also, many times we don’t know how much content will there be in the view; say user-input, if it’s a long input then the size which we specified in dp might be small to hold the content thus cutting it off and if the input is very small, there will be a lot of space left inside the specified view thus resulting in poor design.

    java <TextView     android:text="This is a very very large input in a very very small view size!"     android:background="#ffff00"     android:layout_width="30dp"     android:layout_height="80dp" />



    java <TextView     android:text="This is a very very large input in a view size which will grow accordingly!"     android:background="#42a5f5"     android:layout_width="wrap_content"     android:layout_height="wrap_content" />



  3. Using match_parent: When we have more than one view on the screen, we use layouts to arrange the views. The layout which we use is also a view and is known as parent view and all the views which it contains are known as child views.

    在指定布局的同时,我们还需要像指定任何其他视图一样指定它的大小。我们可以通过对 dp 中的值进行硬编码或使用wrap_content来做到这一点。然而,使用wrap_content进行布局可能会使设计不佳,因为它有时会使孩子的视图比预期的更小或更大。



    ```java LinearLayout     xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"     android:orientation="horizontal"     android:layout_width="match_parent"     android:layout_height="match_parent"     android:background="@android:color/darker_gray"

    ImageView         android:src="@drawable/rainbow"         android:layout_width="wrap_content"         android:layout_height="wrap_content"/ ```



    如果我们在图像视图中使用 match_parent,它将采用整个设备显示的大小,从而创建一个全出血图像:

    java <ImageView         android:src="@drawable/rainbow"         android:layout_width="match_parent"         android:layout_height="match_parent"         android:scaleType="centerCrop"/>
