如何对 JDBC 的表格内容进行排序?

原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/如何对 jdbc 中的表内容进行排序/


  • And text and numbers can be sorted in any order, that is, ascending or descending.
  • One or more columns can be sorted at the same time.
  • In SQL, the order by clause is used to sort the table contents in JDBC .
  • By default, some databases sort queries in ascending order. But we can also sort in descending order.
  • We can use the ORDER BY clause for one or more columns at the same time.


  1. Import the necessary libraries.
  2. Register driver class
  3. Connect to your database by providing an address, user name and password.
  4. Create your statement
  5. Write your query.
  6. Execute your query and store the results in the result set.
  7. Show results
How ORDER BY works:

   query ----->       select * from Table_Name ORDER BY Column1,Column 2; 

   user table ----->  --------------------------------------------------
                 || id || Name || Age ||
                 ||      1      ||      Prateek  ||     20       ||
                 ||      4      ||      Chhavi   ||     21       ||
                 ||      3      ||      Aman     ||     22       ||
                 ||      2      ||      Kartikay ||     22       ||
                 ||      5      ||      Prakhar  ||    20        ||

   Example 1:         select * from user ORDER BY id;

   Output:           --------------------------------------------------
                 || id || Name || Age ||
                 ||      1      ||      Prateek  ||     20       ||
                 ||      2      ||      Kartikay ||     22       ||
                 ||      3      ||      Aman     ||     22       ||
                 ||      4      ||      Chhavi   ||     21       ||
                 ||      5      ||      Prakhar  ||     20       ||

   Example 2:         select * from user ORDER BY name,age;

   Output:           --------------------------------------------------
                 || id || Name || Age ||
                 ||      3      ||      Aman     ||     22       ||
                 ||      4      ||      Chhavi   ||     21       ||
                 ||      2      ||      Kartikay ||     22       ||     
                 ||      5      ||      Prakhar  ||     20       ||
                 ||      1      ||      Prateek  ||     20       ||

例 1:


// Java program to sort contents of a table 

import java.sql.*;

public class GFG {

    // driver code
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception

        // Register Driver Class

        // Connection to your database, pass all the
        // necessary parameters such as address , username &
        // password
        Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection();

        // Create Statement
        Statement stmt = con.createStatement();

        // Query to be executed
        String query = "Select * from users ORDER by id";

        // Execute SQL query and store the result in any
        // variable
        ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);

        System.out.println("Id    Name    Age");
        while (rs.next()) {
            int id = rs.getInt("id");
            String name = rs.getString("name");
            int age = rs.getInt("age");
            System.out.println(id + "  " + name + "   "
                               + age);

        // close the connection