如何在 Java 中获取系统属性和环境变量的值?

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/如何在 java 中获取系统属性和环境变量的值/


Java 中的 System 类提供了一个名为 System.getenv() 的方法,可以用来获取当前系统中一个环境变量集的值。


public static String getenv(String key);

where key is the Environment variable
whose values we want

下面的示例说明了如何使用 System.getenv()获取系统环境变量:

例 1:获取特定环境变量的值

// Java program to get the value
// of a specific environment variable
// using System.getenv() method

public class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args)

        // Get the value of
        // the TEMP environment variable

        // Get the value of
        // the OS environment variable

        // Get the value of
        // the JAVA_HOME environment variable


例 2:一次获取所有环境变量的值

// Java program to get the value
// of all environment variables at once
// using System.getenv() method

import java.util.Map;

public class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args)

        // Get the value of
        // all environment variables at once
        // and store it in Map
        Map<String, String> env
            = System.getenv();

        for (String envName : env.keySet()) {




Java 中的系统类有两种方法用来读取系统属性:

  • java.lang.System.getProperty(String key): fetches only those properties – values that you will specify using the key(associated to that particular value that you want).


    ```java // Java Program illustrating the working // of getProperty(String key) method

    import java.lang.*; import java.util.Properties;

    public class NewClass {     public static void main(String[] args)     {         // Printing Name of the system property         System.out.println("user.dir: "                            + System.getProperty(                                  "user.dir"));

    // Fetches the property set with 'home' key         System.out.println("home: "                            + System.getProperty(                                  "home"));         // Resulting in Null as no property is present

    // Printing 'name of Operating System'         System.out.println("os.name: "                            + System.getProperty(                                  "os.name"));

    // Printing 'JAVA Runtime version'         System.out.println("version: "                            + System.getProperty(                                  "java.runtime.version"));

    // Printing 'name' property         System.out.println("name: "                            + System.getProperty(                                  "name"));         // Resulting in Null as no property is present     } } ```


    ```java user.dir: /tmp/hsperfdata_bot home: null os.name: Linux version: 1.8.0_101-b13 name: null


  • java.lang.System.getProperty(String key, String definition): helps you to create your own key-value sets that you want.


    ```java // Java Program illustrating the working of // getProperty(String key, String definition) method

    import java.lang.*; import java.util.Properties;

    public class NewClass {     public static void main(String[] args)     {

    // Here key = "Hello" and         // System Property = "Geeks"         System.out.println("Hello property : "                            + System.getProperty(                                  "Hello", "Geeks"));

    // Here key = "Geek" and         // System Property = "For Geeks"         System.out.println("System-property :"                            + System.getProperty(                                  "System", "For Geeks"));

    // Here key = "Property" and         // System Property = null         System.out.println("Property-property :"                            + System.getProperty(                                  "Property"));     } } ```


    ```java Hello key property : Geeks System key property :For Geeks Property key property :null


  • java.lang.System.getProperties(): fetches all the properties – values that the JVM on your System gets from the Operating System.


    ```java // Java Program illustrating the working of // getProperties() method

    public class GFG {     public static void main(String[] args)     {

    System.out.println(System.getProperties())     } } ```
