如何在 Java 中引用传递整数

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/如何通过 java 中的引用传递整数/

Java 是按值传递,在 Java 中不能直接按引用传递整数。在 Java 中创建的对象是通过值传递的引用。因此,可以通过如下一些方法来实现:

  1. By creating Wrapper Class: As we know that Integer is an immutable class, so we wrap an integer value in a mutable object through this method.


    1. 获取要传递的整数
    2. 用这个整数创建另一个类的对象
    3. 使用包装类将整数值包装在可变对象中,该可变对象可以更改或修改
    4. 现在,无论何时需要整数,都必须通过类的对象来获取它
    5. 因此整数是通过引用传递的



    ```java // Java program to pass the integer by reference

    class Test {     public Integer value;

    Test(Integer value)     {

    // Using wrapper class         // so as to wrap integer value         // in mutable object         // which can be changed or modified         this.value = value;     }

    @Override     public String toString()     {         return String.valueOf(value);     } }

    class Main {     public static void modification(Test x)     {         x.value = 1000;     }

    public static void main(String[] args)     {         Test k = new Test(50);         modification(k);

    // Modified value gets printed         System.out.println(k);     } } ```


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  2. Wrapping primitive value using an array: This process of wrapping is done by using an array of length one.


    1. 获取要传递的整数
    2. 这个包装过程是通过使用长度为 1 的数组来完成的。
    3. 现在,每当您需要整数时,您必须通过数组的对象来获取它
    4. 因此整数是通过引用传递的



    ```java // Java program to pass the integer by reference

    class PassByReference {     public static void increment(int[] array)     {

    // increment in the actual value         array[0]++;     }

    public static void main(String[] args)     {         int k = 100;

    // wrapping is done         // by using array of length one         int[] array = { k };

    // Reference is passed         increment(array);

    // incremented value printed         System.out.println(array[0]);     } } ```


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  3. Using AtomicInteger: This is a built in Java class which provides a single threaded environment.


    1. 获取要传递的整数
    2. 通过将此整数作为参数传递给其构造函数来创建 AtomicInteger 对象
    3. 现在,每当您需要整数时,您必须通过 AtomicInteger 的对象来获取它
    4. 因此整数是通过引用传递的



    ```java // Java program to pass the integer by reference

    import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

    class PassByReference {     public static void setvalue(AtomicInteger x)     {

    // setting new value         // thus changing the actual value         x.set(1000);     }

    public static void main(String[] args)     {

    // provides single threaded environment         AtomicInteger k = new AtomicInteger(50);

    // passed by reference         setvalue(k);

    System.out.println(k);     } } ```


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  4. Using Apache MutableInt Class: We can use MutableInt class by importing the package from Commons Apache.


    1. 获取要传递的整数
    2. 通过将此整数作为参数传递给其构造函数来创建一个可变对象
    3. 现在,无论何时需要整数,都必须通过变量的对象来获取它
    4. 因此整数是通过引用传递的



    ```java // Java program to pass the integer by reference

    import org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.MutableInt;

    class Main {     public static void increment(MutableInt k)     {         k.increment();     }

    public static void main(String[] args)     {

    // Using Mutable Class whose object's fields         // can be changed accordingly         MutableInt k = new MutableInt(8);

    increment(k);         System.out.println(k);     } } ```


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