实现打印机状态原因应用编程接口的 Java 程序

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/Java-程序到实现-printerstatesreasons-API/

Java 中的 PrintStateReason API 用于访问打印机设备的当前状态数据,比如打印机是否连接或现在,是否已经用完墨粉等。




  1. 可序列化
  2. 可克隆的
  3. 地图
  4. 属性
  5. PrintServiceAttribute


1。public printerstatesreasons()–它是默认的构造函数。

2。public printerstatesreasons(int initial capacity)–它是一个参数化的构造函数。

  • 参数: 初始容量–初始容量。
  • 异常:IllegalArgumentException–如果初始容量小于零。

3。公共打印机状态原因(int initialCapacity,float loadFactor)

  • 参数:
    • 初始容量–初始容量。
    • 负载系数–负载系数。
  • 异常:IllegalArgumentException–如果初始容量小于零。



  • 参数: 地图–要复制的地图。
  • 例外:
    • NullPointerException –(未检查的异常)如果映射为空或者映射中的任何键或值为空,则抛出。
    • class castexception –(未选中的异常)如果映射中的任何键不是类 PrinterStateReason 的实例,或者如果映射中的任何值不是类 Severity 的实例,则抛出。



Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java Program to Implement PrinterStateReasons API

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
import javax.print.attribute.standard.PrinterStateReason;
import javax.print.attribute.standard.PrinterStateReasons;
import javax.print.attribute.standard.Severity;

public class PrinterStateReasonsImpl {
    private PrinterStateReasons printerStateReasons;

    // Construct a new, empty printer state reasons
    // attribute; the underlying hash map has the default
    // initial capacity and load factor.
    public PrinterStateReasonsImpl()
        printerStateReasons = new PrinterStateReasons();

    // super a new, empty printer state reasons attribute;
    // the underlying hash map has the given initial
    // capacity and the default load factor.
    public PrinterStateReasonsImpl(int initialCapacity)
            = new PrinterStateReasons(initialCapacity);

    // Construct a new, empty printer state reasons
    // attribute; the underlying hash map has the given
    // initial capacity and load factor.
    public PrinterStateReasonsImpl(int initialCapacity,
                                   float loadFactor)
        printerStateReasons = new PrinterStateReasons(
            initialCapacity, loadFactor);

    // Construct a new printer state reasons attribute that
    // contains the same PrinterStateReason-to-Severity
    // mappings as the given map.
    public PrinterStateReasonsImpl(
        Map<PrinterStateReason, Severity> map)
        printerStateReasons = new PrinterStateReasons(map);

    // Removes all of the mappings from this map.
    public void clear() { printerStateReasons.clear(); }

    // Returns a shallow copy of this HashMap instance: the
    // keys and values themselves are not cloned.
    public Object clone()
        return printerStateReasons.clone();

    // Returns true if this map contains
    // a mapping for the specified key.
    public boolean containsKey(Object key)
        return printerStateReasons.containsKey(key);

    // Returns true if this map maps one
    // or more keys to the specified value.
    public boolean containsValue(Object value)
        return printerStateReasons.containsValue(value);

    // Returns a Set view of the mappings
    // contained in this map.
    public Set<Entry<PrinterStateReason, Severity> >
        return printerStateReasons.entrySet();

    // Returns the value to which the specified
    // key is mapped, or null if this map contains
    // no mapping for the key.
    public Severity get(Object key)
        return printerStateReasons.get(key);

    // Returns true if this map contains
    // no key-value mappings.
    public boolean isEmpty()
        return printerStateReasons.isEmpty();

    // Returns a Set view of the
    // keys contained in this map.
    public Set<PrinterStateReason> keySet()
        return printerStateReasons.keySet();

    // Associates the specified value with
    // the specified key in this map.
    public Severity put(PrinterStateReason reason,
                        Severity severity)
        return printerStateReasons.put(reason, severity);

    // Copies all of the mappings from the
    // specified map to this map.
    public void putAll(Map<? extends PrinterStateReason, ?
                               extends Severity> m)

    // Removes the mapping for the specified
    // key from this map if present.
    public Severity remove(Object key)
        return printerStateReasons.remove(key);

    // Returns the number of key-value
    // mappings in this map.
    public int size() { return printerStateReasons.size(); }

    // Returns a Collection view of the
    // values contained in this map.
    public Collection<Severity> values()
        return printerStateReasons.values();

    // Get the printing attribute class which is to be used
    // as the "category" for this printing attribute value.
    public Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory()
        return printerStateReasons.getCategory();

    // Get the name of the category of which
    // this attribute value is an instance.
    public String getName()
        return printerStateReasons.getName();

    // Obtain an unmodifiable set view of the individual
    // printer state reason attributes at the given severity
    // level in this PrinterStateReasons attribute.
    public Set<PrinterStateReason>
    printerStateReasonSet(Severity severity)
        return printerStateReasons.printerStateReasonSet(

    public static void main(String[] arg)
        PrinterStateReasonsImpl printerStateReasons
            = new PrinterStateReasonsImpl();
            PrinterStateReason.COVER_OPEN, Severity.REPORT);

            "the key set of the printerStateReasons is ");
        Set<PrinterStateReason> keySet
            = printerStateReasons.keySet();
        Iterator<PrinterStateReason> itr
            = keySet.iterator();
        while (itr.hasNext()) {
            System.out.print(itr.next() + "\t");

            "the values of the printerStateReasons is ");
        Collection<Severity> collectionValues
            = printerStateReasons.values();
        Iterator<Severity> citr
            = collectionValues.iterator();
        while (citr.hasNext()) {
            System.out.print(citr.next() + "\t");
            "the entry set of the printerStateReasons is ");
        Iterator<Entry<PrinterStateReason, Severity> > eitr;
        Set<Entry<PrinterStateReason, Severity> > entrySet
            = printerStateReasons.entrySet();
        eitr = entrySet.iterator();
        while (eitr.hasNext()) {
            System.out.println(eitr.next() + "\t");
            "the printerStateReasons contains Key CONNECTING_TO_DEVICE :"
            + printerStateReasons.containsKey(
            "the printerStateReasons contains Value ERROR :"
            + printerStateReasons.containsValue(
            "the size of the printerStateReasons is "
            + printerStateReasons.size());
        if (printerStateReasons.isEmpty())
                "the printerStateReasons is empty");
                "the printerStateReasons is not empty");


the key set of the printerStateReasons is 
input-tray-missing    connecting-to-device    cover-open    
the values of the printerStateReasons is 
warning    error    report    
the entry set of the printerStateReasons is 
the printerStateReasons contains Key CONNECTING_TO_DEVICE :true
the printerStateReasons contains Value ERROR :true
the size of the printerStateReasons is 3
the printerStateReasons is empty