实现两个数相乘的 Schonhage-Strassen 算法的 Java 程序
原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/Java-实现两个数相乘的 schonhage-strassen 算法的程序/
Schonhage-Strassen 算法 是将非常大的整数值(30000 到 150000 个十进制数字)相乘的最快方法之一。该算法由阿诺德·舍恩赫和沃尔克·斯特拉森开发。虽然 弗勒算法 比勋伯格-斯特拉森算法快,但除了银河算法之外(可能不用于地球上存在的任何数据),没有实际应用。因此,Schonhage-Strassen 算法被认为是乘法大整数值的最佳算法。
Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)
// Java program to implement Schonhage-Strassen's
// Multiplication Algorithm
import java.io.*;
class GFG {
// two class level variables to
// store the given values
static long a, b;
// class level array to store the LinearConvolution
static int[] linearConvolution;
// an integer variable to determine
// the length of the LinearConvolution
static int length;
// to count the no.of digits in each of
// the given values a and b
static int countDigits(long num)
// an integer variable initialized to
// 0 to store the no.of digits
int count = 0;
// as long as the number is
// greater than 0, divide it by 10
// and increment the count
while (num > 0) {
num /= 10;
// return the count when number becomes 0
return count;
// to perform schonhage-Strassen's Multiplication
static void schonhageStrassenMultiplication()
// first find the LinearConvolution
// Then perform carry on it
// to find LinearConvolution
static void findLinearConvolution()
// no.of digits in first number (a)
int aDigits = countDigits(a);
// no.of digits in second number (b)
int bDigits = countDigits(b);
// a temporary variable to store the value of a
long temp = a;
// length of the LinearConvolution is
// 1 less than the no.of Digits in a +
// no.of digits in b
length = aDigits + bDigits - 1;
linearConvolution = new int[length];
for (int i = 0; i < aDigits; i++, b /= 10) {
a = temp;
for (int j = 0; j < bDigits; j++, a /= 10) {
// multiply the current digit of a with
// current digit of b and store in
// LinearConvolution
linearConvolution[i + j]
+= (b % 10) * (a % 10);
System.out.print("The Linear Convolution is: [ ");
for (int i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// print the LinearConvolution array
System.out.print(linearConvolution[i] + " ");
// to perform carry on the obtained LinearConvolution
static void performCarry()
// initialize product to 0
long product = 0;
int carry = 0, base = 1;
// for every value in the LinearConvolution
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
linearConvolution[i] += carry;
// add the product of base and units digit of
// LinearConvolution[i] to the product
= product
+ (base * (linearConvolution[i] % 10));
// now LinearConvolution[i]/10
// will become the carry
carry = linearConvolution[i] / 10;
base *= 10;
System.out.println("\nThe Product is : " + product);
// Driver method
public static void main(String[] args)
// initialize the two declared class variables with
// the desired values
a = 2604;
b = 1812;
// call schonhageStrassenMultiplication() method
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