Java 程序读取等级&显示等价描述

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/Java-程序读取-等级-显示-等效描述/

问题陈述:从 1 到 100 范围内的数字被随机地给定等级作为来自用户的输入,然后将用户的输入等级与给定的情况进行匹配,以产生期望的输出。


考虑一个 1 到 100 的数字写在一张纸条上。现在,人们开始一个接一个地挑选纸条,并开始以这样的方式组织它们,即在决定制作 10 个不同的罐子之前,他开始将纸条放入 10 个不同的盒子中,以这样的方式排列纸条,在“罐子 A”中编号为 1-10,在“罐子 B”中编号为 11-20,以此类推,直到贴上标签并插入纸条,直到所有的纸条都被组织在贴有标签的罐子中。他这样做是为了轻松算出写在纸条上的数字。


  • 接受用户的输入
  • 使用等于运算符(==)匹配等级
  • 生成等效描述作为输出


  1. 使用 If-Else 方法
  2. 开关案例法


方法 1:If-Else语句


Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java Program to Read Grade & Displaying Equivalent Desc

// Importing Classes/Files
import java.util.*;

public class GFG {

    // Main Driver Method
    public static void main(String[] args)

        // User is supposed to enter grade among them
            "Enter Grade varying from S,A,B,C,D");
        String grade = "A";

        // Checking whether grade == "S" or not
        if (grade == "S") {
                "Student has scored between 90 to 100");
        // Checking whether grade == "A" or not
        else if (grade == "A") {
                "Student has scored between 80 to 90");
        // Checking whether grade == "B" or not
        else if (grade == "B") {
                "Student has scored between 70 to 80");
        // Checking whether grade == "C" or not
        else if (grade == "C") {
                "Student has scored between 60 to 70");
        // Checking whether grade == "D" or not
        else if (grade == "D") {
                "Student has scored between 50 to 60");
        else {

            // Printing message-user pressed some other key
                "The grade you entered is not valid!");


Enter Grade varying from S,A,B,C,D
Student has scored between 80 to 90

接近 2: 切换情况


Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java Program to Read a Grade & Display the Equivalent

// Importing Classes/Files
import java.util.*;

public class GFG {

    //  Main driver method
    public static void main(String args[])

        // Random grade taken for consideration
        String grade = "W";

        // Using Switch-Case.
        switch (grade) {
            // Checking whether grade == "S" or not.

        case "S":
                "Student has scored between 90 to 100");

            // Checking whether grade == "A" or not.
        case "A":
                "Student has scored between 80 to 90");

            // Checking whether grade == "B" or not.
        case "B":
                "Student has scored between 70 to 80");

            // Checking whether grade == "C" or not.
        case "C":
                "Student has scored between 60 to 70");

            // Checking whether grade == "D" or not.
        case "D":
                "Student has scored between 50 to 60");

                "The grade you entered is not valid!");


The grade you entered is not valid!