Java 中的 strict math getindex()方法

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/strict math-get index-method-in-Java/

  1. The getExponent(double num) is an inbuilt method of StrictMath class which is used to get the unbiased exponent to be used in the representation of a given double argument. It gives rise to two special results:

    • 结果将是翻倍。当给定参数为 NaN 或无穷大时,MAX _ INDEX+1
    • 结果是翻倍。当参数为零时,最小指数–1


    java public static int getExponent(*double num*)




    ```java Input: num = 75.45 Output: 6.0

    Input: num = 0.0 Output: -1023.0


    下面的程序举例说明了 Java . lang . strict math . getindex()方法:

    ```java // Java praogram to illustrate the // java.lang.StrictMath.getExponent() import java.lang.*;

    public class Geeks {

    public static void main(String[] args)     {

    double value = 93.5;

    / Here it returns the unbiased exponent which              is used in the representation of a double/         double exp_Value = StrictMath.getExponent(value);         System.out.print("Exponent of " + value + " = ");         System.out.println(exp_Value);     } } ```


    ```java Exponent of 93.5 = 6.0


  2. The getExponent(float num) is an inbuilt method of StrictMath class which is used to get an unbiased exponent, to be used in the representation of a given float argument. It gives rise to two special results:

    • 结果将是浮动。当给定参数为 NaN 或无穷大时,MAX _ INDEX+1
    • 结果是浮动。当参数为零时,最小指数–1


    java public static int getExponent(*float num*)




    ```java Input: num = 10254.25f Output: 13.0

    Input: num = 10.25f Output: 3.0


    下面的程序举例说明了 Java . lang . strict math . getindex()方法:

    ```java // Java praogram to illustrate the // java.lang.StrictMath.getExponent() import java.lang.*;

    public class Geeks {

    public static void main(String[] args)     {

    float value = 10254.25f;

    / Here it returns the unbiased exponent which             is used in the representation of a float/         double exp_Value = StrictMath.getExponent(value);         System.out.print("Exponent of " + value + " = ");         System.out.println(exp_Value);     } } ```


    ```java Exponent of 10254.25 = 13.0
