StringWriter 用 Java 写(String,int,int)方法,示例

原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/stringwriter-write string-int-int-method-in-Java-with-examples/

Java 中 StringWriter 类的 write(String,int,int) 方法用于在流中写入指定字符串的指定部分。该字符串被视为参数。要写入的字符串的起始索引和长度也作为参数。


公共空写(字符串,int startingIndex,int lengthOfstring)


  • 字符串是要写入流中的字符串。
  • 起始索引是字符部分的起始索引。
  • 字符串长度是要写入流中的字符串长度。


下面的程序说明了 write(String,int,int)方法的工作原理:

程序 1:

// Java program to demonstrate
// StringWriter write(String, int, int) method


class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args)

        try {

            // Create a StringWriter instance
            StringWriter writer
                = new StringWriter();

            // Get the String
            // to be written in the stream
            String string = "GeeksForGeeks";

            // Get the starting index
            int startingIndex = 0;

            // Get the length of char
            int lengthOfstring = 5;

            // Write the portion of the string
            // to this writer using write() method
            // This will put the string in the stream
            // till it is printed on the console

        catch (Exception e) {


程序 2:

// Java program to demonstrate
// StringWriter write(String, int, int) method


class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args)

        try {

            // Create a StringWriter instance
            StringWriter writer
                = new StringWriter();

            // Get the String
            // to be written in the stream
            String string = "GFG";

            // Get the starting index
            int startingIndex = 2;

            // Get the length of char
            int lengthOfstring = 1;

            // Write the portion of the string
            // to this writer using write() method
            // This will put the string in the stream
            // till it is printed on the console

        catch (Exception e) {
