
原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/two-interfaces-methods-signature-differential-return-type/

Java 不支持多重继承,但是我们可以使用接口达到多重继承的效果。在接口中,一个类可以实现多个接口,这是通过 extends 关键字无法实现的。 详见 java 中多重继承。 假设我们有两个接口,方法名相同(geek),返回类型不同(int 和 String)

public interface InterfaceX
    public int geek();
public interface InterfaceY
    public String geek();


public class Testing implements InterfaceX, InterfaceY
public String geek()
        return "hello";

问题是:一个 java 类可以实现两个具有相同方法的接口,这两个接口具有相同的签名但是返回类型不同吗?? 不,是错误 如果两个接口包含一个签名相同但返回类型不同的方法,那么不可能同时实现两个接口。 根据 JLS ( 8.4.2) 规定,这种情况下不允许使用相同签名的方法。

Two methods or constructors, M and N, have the same signature if they have,
the same name
the same type parameters (if any) (§8.4.4), and
after adopting the formal parameter types of N 
 to the type parameters of M, the same formal parameter types.


// JAVA program to illustrate the behavior
// of program when two interfaces having same 
// methods and different return-type
interface bishal
    void show();

interface geeks
    int show();

class Test implements bishal, geeks
    void show() // Overloaded method based on return type, Error
    int show() // Error
        return 1;
    static void main(String args[])


error: method show() is already defined in class Test
error: Test is not abstract and does not override abstract method show() in geeks
error: show() in Test cannot implement show() in bishal
// Java program to illustrate the behavior of the program
// when two interfaces having the same methods and different return-type
// and we defined the method in the child class
interface InterfaceA
    int fun();
interface InterfaceB
    String moreFun();

class MainClass implements InterfaceA, InterfaceB
    String getStuff()
        return "one";
error: MainClass is not abstract and does not override abstract method fun() in InterfaceA

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