Java 中的资源试用功能

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/试用资源-java 中的功能/

在 Java 中, Try-with-resources 语句是一个 Try 语句,它声明了其中的一个或多个资源。资源是一个对象,一旦您的程序使用完它,就必须关闭它。例如,文件资源或套接字连接资源。try-with-resources 语句确保在语句执行结束时关闭每个资源。如果我们不关闭资源,它可能会构成资源泄漏,并且程序可能会耗尽可用的资源。

您可以将任何对象作为实现 java.lang.AutoCloseable 的资源传递,这包括实现 的所有对象。

这样,现在我们不需要为了传递资源的结束语句而额外增加一个final block。一旦 try-catch 块被执行,资源将被关闭。


try(declare resources here) {
    // use resources
catch(FileNotFoundException e) {
    // exception handling


说到异常,try-catch-finally 块和 try-with-resources 块是有区别的。如果在 try 块和 final 块中都引发了异常,则该方法返回在 final 块中引发的异常。

对于 try-with-resources,如果在 try 块和 try-with-resources 语句中引发异常,则该方法返回在 try 块中引发的异常。资源尝试引发的异常被抑制,也就是说,我们可以说资源尝试块引发了被抑制的异常。


  • 案例 1 :单一资源
  • 案例 2: 多个资源

示例 1: 试用具有单个资源的资源

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java Program for try-with-resources
// having single resource

// Importing all input output classes

// Class
class GFG {

    // Main driver method
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Try block to check for exceptions
        try (

            // Creating an object of FileOutputStream
            // to write stream or raw data

            // Adding resource
            FileOutputStream fos
            = new FileOutputStream("gfgtextfile.txt")) {

            // Custom string input
            String text
                = "Hello World. This is my java program";

            // Converting string to bytes
            byte arr[] = text.getBytes();

            // Text written in the file

        // Catch block to handle exceptions
        catch (Exception e) {

            // Display message for the occured exception

        // Display message for successful execution of
        // program
            "Resource are closed and message has been written into the gfgtextfile.txt");


Resource are closed and message has been written into the gfgtextfile.txt

示例 2: 尝试具有多个资源的资源

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java program for try-with-resources
// having multiple resources

// Importing all input output classes

// Class
class GFG {

    // Main driver method
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Try block to check for exceptions

        // Writing data to a file using FileOutputStream
        // by passing input file as a parameter
        try (FileOutputStream fos
             = new FileOutputStream("outputfile.txt");

             // Adding resouce

             // Reading the stream of character from
             BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(
                 new FileReader("gfgtextfile.txt"))) {

            // Declaring a string holding the
            // stream content of the file
            String text;

            // Condition check using readLine() method
            // which holds true till there is content
            // in the input file
            while ((text = br.readLine()) != null) {

                // Reading from input file passed above
                // using getBytes() method
                byte arr[] = text.getBytes();

                // String converted to bytes

                // Copying the content of passed input file
                // 'inputgfgtext' file to outputfile.txt

            // Display message when
            // file is successfully copied
                "File content copied to another one.");

        // Catch block to handle generic exceptions
        catch (Exception e) {

            // Display the exception on the
            // console window

        // Display message for successful execution of the
        // program
            "Resource are closed and message has been written into the gfgtextfile.txt");


File content copied to another one.
Resource are closed and message has been written into the gfgtextfile.txt