Java 中的线程池
由于活动线程消耗系统资源,同时创建太多线程的 JVM 会导致系统内存不足。这就需要限制正在创建的线程数量。
什么是 Java 中的线程池?
- Java 提供了以 Executor 接口为中心的 Executor 框架,它的子接口–Executor service和类–ThreadPoolExecutor,实现了这两个接口。通过使用执行器,只需要实现 Runnable 对象,并将它们发送给执行器来执行。
- 它们允许您利用线程,但是专注于您希望线程执行的任务,而不是线程机制。
To use thread pools, we first create a object of ExecutorService and pass a set of tasks to it. ThreadPoolExecutor class allows to set the core and maximum pool size.The runnables that are run by a particular thread are executed sequentially.
大小为 3 个线程的线程池初始化。任务队列= 5 个可运行对象
```java Method Description newFixedThreadPool(int) Creates a fixed size thread pool. newCachedThreadPool() Creates a thread pool that creates new threads as needed, but will reuse previously constructed threads when they are available newSingleThreadExecutor() Creates a single thread.
```java 1. Create a task(Runnable Object) to execute 2. Create Executor Pool using Executors 3. Pass tasks to Executor Pool 4. Shutdown the Executor Pool
```java // Java program to illustrate // ThreadPool import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
// Task class to be executed (Step 1) class Task implements Runnable { private String name;
public Task(String s) { name = s; }
// Prints task name and sleeps for 1s // This Whole process is repeated 5 times public void run() { try { for (int i = 0; i<=5; i++) { if (i==0) { Date d = new Date(); SimpleDateFormat ft = new SimpleDateFormat("hh:mm:ss"); System.out.println("Initialization Time for" + " task name - "+ name +" = " +ft.format(d)); //prints the initialization time for every task } else { Date d = new Date(); SimpleDateFormat ft = new SimpleDateFormat("hh:mm:ss"); System.out.println("Executing Time for task name - "+ name +" = " +ft.format(d)); // prints the execution time for every task } Thread.sleep(1000); } System.out.println(name+" complete"); }
catch(InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } public class Test { // Maximum number of threads in thread pool static final int MAX_T = 3;
public static void main(String[] args) { // creates five tasks Runnable r1 = new Task("task 1"); Runnable r2 = new Task("task 2"); Runnable r3 = new Task("task 3"); Runnable r4 = new Task("task 4"); Runnable r5 = new Task("task 5");
// creates a thread pool with MAX_T no. of // threads as the fixed pool size(Step 2) ExecutorService pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(MAX_T);
// passes the Task objects to the pool to execute (Step 3) pool.execute(r1); pool.execute(r2); pool.execute(r3); pool.execute(r4); pool.execute(r5);
// pool shutdown ( Step 4) pool.shutdown(); } } ```
```java Output: Initialization Time for task name - task 2 = 02:32:56 Initialization Time for task name - task 1 = 02:32:56 Initialization Time for task name - task 3 = 02:32:56 Executing Time for task name - task 1 = 02:32:57 Executing Time for task name - task 2 = 02:32:57 Executing Time for task name - task 3 = 02:32:57 Executing Time for task name - task 1 = 02:32:58 Executing Time for task name - task 2 = 02:32:58 Executing Time for task name - task 3 = 02:32:58 Executing Time for task name - task 1 = 02:32:59 Executing Time for task name - task 2 = 02:32:59 Executing Time for task name - task 3 = 02:32:59 Executing Time for task name - task 1 = 02:33:00 Executing Time for task name - task 3 = 02:33:00 Executing Time for task name - task 2 = 02:33:00 Executing Time for task name - task 2 = 02:33:01 Executing Time for task name - task 1 = 02:33:01 Executing Time for task name - task 3 = 02:33:01 task 2 complete task 1 complete task 3 complete Initialization Time for task name - task 5 = 02:33:02 Initialization Time for task name - task 4 = 02:33:02 Executing Time for task name - task 4 = 02:33:03 Executing Time for task name - task 5 = 02:33:03 Executing Time for task name - task 5 = 02:33:04 Executing Time for task name - task 4 = 02:33:04 Executing Time for task name - task 4 = 02:33:05 Executing Time for task name - task 5 = 02:33:05 Executing Time for task name - task 5 = 02:33:06 Executing Time for task name - task 4 = 02:33:06 Executing Time for task name - task 5 = 02:33:07 Executing Time for task name - task 4 = 02:33:07 task 5 complete task 4 complete
正如在程序执行中看到的,任务 4 或任务 5 仅在池中的线程空闲时执行。在此之前,额外的任务被放在队列中。
执行任务 4 和 5 的线程池
```java One of the main advantages of using this approach is when you want to process 100 requests at a time, but do not want to create 100 Threads for the same, so as to reduce JVM overload. You can use this approach to create a ThreadPool of 10 Threads and you can submit 100 requests to this ThreadPool. ThreadPool will create maximum of 10 threads to process 10 requests at a time. After process completion of any single Thread, ThreadPool will internally allocate the 11th request to this Thread and will keep on doing the same to all the remaining requests.
- 死锁 : 虽然死锁可以发生在任何多线程程序中,但线程池引入了另一种死锁情况,即所有正在执行的线程都在等待队列中等待的阻塞线程的结果,因为线程不可用于执行。
- 线程泄漏:如果线程从池中移除以执行任务,但在任务完成时没有返回给它,则会发生线程泄漏。举个例子,如果线程抛出一个异常,而池类没有捕捉到这个异常,那么线程将简单地退出,将线程池的大小减少一。如果这种情况重复多次,那么池最终将变成空的,并且没有线程可用于执行其他请求。
- 资源抖动:如果线程池的大小非常大,那么在线程之间的上下文切换中就会浪费时间。如前所述,线程数超过最佳数量可能会导致资源不足,从而导致资源崩溃。
- 不要对同时等待其他任务结果的任务进行排队。这可能导致如上所述的死锁情况。
- 在长时间操作中使用线程时要小心。这可能会导致线程永远等待,并最终导致资源泄漏。
- 线程池必须在最后明确结束。如果不这样做,程序将继续执行,永远不会结束。在池中调用 shutdown()结束执行器。如果您试图在关闭后向执行器发送另一个任务,它将引发 RejectedExecutionException。
- 我们需要了解任务,以便有效地调整线程池。如果任务之间有很大的差异,那么对不同类型的任务使用不同的线程池是有意义的,这样可以适当地调整它们。
- 您可以限制 JVM 中可以运行的最大线程数,从而减少 JVM 内存不足的可能性。
- 如果您需要实现您的循环来创建新的线程进行处理,使用线程池将有助于更快地处理,因为线程池在达到其最大限制后不会创建新的线程。
- 线程处理完成后,线程池可以使用同一个线程来执行另一个进程(这样可以节省创建另一个线程的时间和资源。)
- 线程池的最佳大小取决于可用处理器的数量和任务的性质。在只有计算类型进程的队列的 N 处理器系统上,N 或 N+1 的最大线程池大小将实现最大效率。但是任务可能会等待输入/输出,在这种情况下,我们会考虑请求的等待时间和服务时间之比;导致最大池大小为 N*(1+ W/S)以实现最高效率。
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