C# | IndexOfAny()方法


在 C# 中, IndexOfAny() 法是一种 法。它用于搜索字符串中出现的指定字符索引,这将是从开始索引开始的第一次出现。它以整数值形式返回索引。通过更改传递给该方法的参数数量,可以重载该方法。

  • 任何方法的索引(字符[])
  • 任何方法的索引(Char[],Int32)
  • 任何方法的索引(Char[],Int32,Int32)


此方法将采用单个参数,即包含一个或多个要搜索的字符的字符数组。它将从起始索引开始搜索,即默认从 0 开始搜索,如果在 ch 中没有找到字符,则返回-1。


public int IndexOfAny(char[] ch)
  • Parameter: This method will adopt a single parameter of system type. Char [] is a character array containing one or more characters to be searched.
  • Return value: This method will always return the first character in the current instance, in which any character of ch is found. It uses a zero-based index position. The return type of this method is system. Int32
  • Exception: If CH is empty, this method can give an exception ArgumentNullexception

示例:程序演示公共 int IndexOfAny(char[] ch) 方法。IndexOfAny 方法将从字符串的开始到结束搜索字符,并返回整数值作为该字符第一次出现的位置。


// C# program to illustrate the
// public int IndexOfAny(char[] ch)
using System;
class GFG {

   // Main Method
    public static void Main()
        String str = "GeeksForGeeks";
        Console.WriteLine("Given String : {0}\n", str);

        // to find single character
        // to start search to match character
        // 's' will be found at 5 position
        char[] ch = { 's' };
        Console.WriteLine(str.IndexOfAny(ch) + 1);

        // to find any character
        // to start search to match characters
        char[] ch1 = { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'e', 'f' };

        // 'a', 'b', 'c', 'e', 'f' then first
        // 'e' will be found at 2 position
        Console.WriteLine(str.IndexOfAny(ch1) + 1);

        char[] ch2 = { 'a', 'b', 'c' };

        // if no character found in string
        // then return -1;
        int m = str.IndexOfAny(ch2);
        if (m > -1)
            Console.WriteLine("Not Found");


Given String : GeeksForGeeks

Not Found




public int IndexOfAny(char[] ch, int startIndex)
  • Parameters: This method takes two parameters, namely char [] CH type system. Specify char [] of the character array to be searched and starting index of the system of type . Int32 Specifies the starting index of the search string.
  • Return value: This method will always return the first character in the current instance, in which any character of ch is found. It uses a zero-based index position. The return type of this method is system. Int32
  • Exception: If ch is empty, this method will give two exceptions, namely ArgumentNullexception If [T8】 ch 【T9] is empty, Then argument of rangeexception If startindex is greater than the string to be searched, it will be negative .

示例:程序演示public int IndexOfAny(char[]ch,int startIndex) 方法。IndexOfAny 方法将从字符串的开始到指定的开始索引到结尾搜索字符,并返回一个整数值作为该字符第一次出现的位置。


// C# program to illustrate the
// public int IndexOfAny(char[] ch, int startIndex)
using System;
class GFG {

    // Main Method
    public static void Main()

        String str = "GeeksForGeeks";
        Console.WriteLine("Given String : {0}\n", str);

        // to find single character
        char[] ch = { 's' };
        int startIndex = 6;

        // to start search from index 6 so character
        // 's' will be found at 13 position
        Console.WriteLine(str.IndexOfAny(ch, startIndex) + 1);

        // to find any character
        char[] ch1 = {'a', 'b', 'c', 'e', 'f'};
        int startIndex1 = 4;

        // to start search from index 4 so character
        // 'e' will be match first at 10 position
        Console.WriteLine(str.IndexOfAny(ch1, startIndex1) + 1);

        char[] ch2 = { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'f' };
        int startIndex2 = 5;

        // to start search from index 5
        // so no character found
        // its case sensitive search so 'f' is not match
        int m = str.IndexOfAny(ch2, startIndex2);
        if (m > -1)
            Console.Write("Not Found");


Given String : GeeksForGeeks

Not Found

public int index ofny(char[]ch、int startIndex、int count)



public int IndexOfAny(char[] ch, int startIndex, int count) 
  • Parameters: This method takes three parameters, namely char [] CH type system. Specify char [] of the character array to be searched, and starting index of the system of type . Int32 specifies the starting index of the character string to be searched, and count of system type. Int32 Specify the number of character positions to check.
  • Return value: This method will always return the first character in the current instance, in which any character of ch is found. It uses a zero-based index position. The return type of this method is system. Int32
  • Exception: If CH is empty and Argumentout of Rangeexception If startindex+count is greater than the string to be searched or both (Startindex and coun T) are both negative , then this method will give two exceptions, namely ArgumentNullexception .

示例:程序演示公共 int IndexOfAny( char[] ch,int startIndex,int count) 方法。此 IndexOfAny 方法将搜索字符串中从指定索引到指定索引+(count–1)的字符,其中 count 是要检查的字符数,然后返回整数值作为该字符第一次出现的位置。


// C# program to illustrate the
// public int IndexOfAny( char[] ch,
// int startIndex, int count)
using System;
class GFG {

    // Main Method
    public static void Main()

        String str = "GeeksForGeeks";
        Console.WriteLine("Given String : {0}\n", str);

        // to find single character
        char[] ch = { 's' };
        int startIndex = 6;
        int count = 4;

        // to start search from index 6
        // to 10(6+4)so character
        // 's' is not found so return -1
        int r = str.IndexOfAny(ch, startIndex, count) == -1
                ? -1 : str.IndexOfAny(ch, startIndex, count) + 1;

        // to find any character
        char[] ch1 = {'a', 'b', 'c', 'e', 'f'};
        int startIndex1 = 3;
        int count1 = 8;

        // to start search from index 3
        // to 11(3 + 8)so character
        // 's' will be match first at 10 position
        int r1 = str.IndexOfAny(ch1, startIndex1, count1) == -1
                     ? -1 : str.IndexOfAny(ch1, startIndex1, count1) + 1;

        char[] ch2 = {'a', 'b', 'c', 'F'};
        int startIndex2 = 5;
        int count2 = 5;

        // to start search from index 5
        // to 10(5 + 5)so character
        // 'F' will be match first at 6 position
        int r2 = str.IndexOfAny(ch2, startIndex2, count2) == -1
                     ? -1 : str.IndexOfAny(ch2, startIndex2, count2) + 1;


Given String : GeeksForGeeks



  • The search of character array elements is case sensitive.
  • Search ranges from startIndex to the end of the string.
  • If the character array element is an empty array, this method finds a match at the beginning of the string.
