日期时间。C# 中的 CompareTo()方法

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/datetime-compare to-method-in-c-sharp/


  • 比较到(日期时间)
  • 比较(对象)



public int CompareTo (DateTime value);



  • *小于零*:如果该实例早于值。
  • *零*:如果该实例与值相同。
  • *大于零*:如果该实例晚于值。


// C# code to demonstrate
// CompareTo(DateTime) function
using System;

public class GFG {

    // Main Method
    public static void Main()

        // Taking two DateTime Objects
        DateTime d1 = new DateTime(2018, 12,
                              31, 16, 0, 0);

        DateTime d2 = new DateTime(2018, 12,
                              31, 20, 0, 0);

        // Using the method
        int res = d1.CompareTo(d2);

        string r;

        if (res > 0)
            r = "is later than";

        else if (res == 0)
            r = "is the same time as";
            r = "is earlier than";

        Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", d1, r, d2);


12/31/2018 16:00:00 is earlier than 12/31/2018 20:00:00


##### **比较对象方法**



public int CompareTo (object value);



  • *小于零*:如果该实例早于值。
  • *零*:如果该实例与值相同。
  • *大于零*:如果该实例晚于值。



// C# code to demonstrate
// CompareTo(Object) function
using System;

public class GFG {

    // Main Method
    public static void Main()

        // Taking a DateTime Object
        DateTime d1 = new DateTime(2018, 12,
                              31, 16, 0, 0);

        // Using the method
        // Here, "DateTime.Today" is
        // the property of DateTime struct
        int res = d1.CompareTo(DateTime.Today);

        string r;

        if (res > 0)
            r = "is later than";

        else if (res == 0)
            r = "is the same time as";
            r = "is earlier than";

        Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", d1, r, 


12/31/2018 16:00:00 is earlier than 01/21/2019 00:00:00
