C# |数组中存在的元素总数
阵列。GetLength(Int32)方法用于查找数组指定维度中存在的元素总数。 语法:
public int GetLength (int dimension);
这里维是需要确定长度的数组的从零开始的维。 返回值:该方法的返回类型为系统。Int32 。此方法返回一个 32 位整数,表示指定维度中的元素数量。 异常:如果维度的值小于零或者维度的值等于或大于等级,该方法将给出indexout of range Exception。 下面给出一些例子,以便更好地理解实现: 例子 1:
c sharp . c sharp . c sharp . c sharp
// C# program to illustrate the
// use of GetLength() method
using System;
public class GFG {
// Main method
static public void Main()
// create and initialize array
int[] myarray = {445, 44, 66, 6666667, 78, 878, 1};
// Display the array
Console.WriteLine("The elements of myarray :");
foreach(int i in myarray)
// Find the number of element in myarray
int result = myarray.GetLength(0);
Console.WriteLine("Total Elements: {0}", result);
The elements of myarray :
Total Elements: 7
例 2:
c sharp . c sharp . c sharp . c sharp
// C# program to check arrays contain
// same number of elements or not
using System;
public class GFG {
// Main method
static public void Main()
// create and initializing array
int[] myarray1 = {100, 0, 400, 660, 700, 809, 0};
int[] myarray2 = {100, 0, 400, 660, 700};
int[] myarray3 = {100, 0, 400, 660, 700, 809, 0};
// Find the number of element in myarray
// using GetLength() method
int result1 = myarray1.GetLength(0);
int result2 = myarray2.GetLength(0);
int result3 = myarray3.GetLength(0);
// Check if myarray1, myarray2, myarray3
// contain the same number of elements or not
Console.WriteLine("myarray1 and myarray2: {0}",
Equals(result1, result2));
Console.WriteLine("myarray1 and myarray3: {0}",
Equals(result1, result3));
myarray1 and myarray2: False
myarray1 and myarray3: True
参考:https://docs . Microsoft . com/en-us/dotnet/API/system . array . getlength?view=netcore-2.1
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