控制台。C# 中的 KeyAvailable()属性

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/console-keyavailable-property-in-c-sharp/

控制台。KeyAvailable 属性用于获取一个值,该值显示输入流中是否有按键可用。在按键可用之前,此属性不会阻止输入。

语法:公共静态 bool KeyAvailable { get} 属性值:返回如果可以按键,否则返回假。


  • 无效操作异常:如果标准输入被重定向到文件而不是键盘。
  • io 异常:如果出现输入/输出错误。



// C# Program to demonstrate
// KeyAvailable property
using System;
using System.Threading;

namespace GFG {

class GFG {

    public static void Main()
        // declare a new ConsoleKeyInfo object
        ConsoleKeyInfo c = new ConsoleKeyInfo();

        // outer loop to work until 'z' is pressed
        do {
            Console.WriteLine("\nPress a key to display; "+
                              "press the 'z' key to quit.");

            // inner loop to check whether a key
            // is pressed using KeyAvailable
            while (Console.KeyAvailable == false)

                // Loop until input is entered.
            c = Console.ReadKey(true);
            Console.WriteLine("You pressed the '{0}' key.", c.Key);

        } while (c.Key != ConsoleKey.Z);