将一个字符转换成 C# 中的字符串

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/convert-a-character-to-string-in-c-sharp/

给定一个字符,任务是在 C# 中将字符转换为字符串。


Input :  X = 'a'
Output : string S = "a"

Input :  X = 'A'
Output : string S = "A"

方法:想法是使用 ToString( ) 方法,参数是字符,它返回字符串将 Unicode 字符转换为字符串。

// convert the character x
// to string s
public string ToString(IFormatProvider provider);


// C# program to character to the string
using System;

public class GFG{

    static string getString(char x) 
        // Char.ToString() is a System.Char 
        // struct method which is used 
        // to convert the value of this
        // instance to its equivalent
        // string representation
        string str = x.ToString();

        return str;

    static void Main(string[] args)
        char chr = 'A';
        Console.WriteLine("Type of "+ chr +" : " + chr.GetType());

        string str = getString(chr);
        Console.WriteLine("Type of "+ str +" : " + str.GetType());



Type of A : System.Char
Type of A : System.String