C# |将容量设置为排序列表对象中的实际元素数量

原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/c-sharp-将容量设置为排序列表中元素的实际数量/

排序列表。TrimToSize 方法 用于将容量设置为 SortedList 对象中元素的实际数量。 语法:

public virtual void TrimToSize ();

异常:如果 SortedList 对象为只读或者 SortedList 具有固定大小,此方法将抛出notsupportdexception。 以下程序说明了上述方法的使用: 示例 1:

c sharp . c sharp . c sharp . c sharp

// C# program to illustrate the
// SortedList.TrimToSize() Method
using System;
using System.Collections;

class GFG {

    // Main method
    public static void Main()

        // create and initialize new SortedList
        SortedList mylist = new SortedList();

        // Adding elements to SortedList
        mylist.Add("1", "C++");
        mylist.Add("2", "Java");
        mylist.Add("3", "DSA");
        mylist.Add("4", "Python");
        mylist.Add("5", "C#");
        mylist.Add("6", "HTML");

        // Capacity of SortedList before trimmimg
        Console.WriteLine("Before trimming the capacity is: {0}",

        // trim the SortedList

        // Capacity of ArrayList after trimming
        Console.WriteLine("After trimming the capacity is: {0}",


Before trimming the capacity is: 16
After trimming the capacity is: 6

例 2:

c sharp . c sharp . c sharp . c sharp

// C# program to illustrate
// SortedList.TrimToSize() Method
using System;
using System.Collections;

class GFG {

    // Main Method
    public static void Main()

        // create and initialize new SortedList
        SortedList mylist = new SortedList();

        // Adding elements to SortedList
        mylist.Add("h", "Hello");
        mylist.Add("g", "Geeks!");
        mylist.Add("w", "Welcome");
        mylist.Add("t", "to");
        mylist.Add("n", "Noida");

        // Displaying the count, capacity
        // and values of the SortedList.
        Console.WriteLine("Before Using TrimToSize Method:");
        Console.WriteLine("Count: {0}", mylist.Count);
        Console.WriteLine("Capacity: {0}", mylist.Capacity);
        Console.Write("Values are: ");


        // Trim the SortedList.

        // Displaying the count, capacity
        // and values of the SortedList.
        Console.WriteLine("After Using TrimToSize Method:");
        Console.WriteLine("Count: {0}", mylist.Count);
        Console.WriteLine("Capacity: {0}", mylist.Capacity);
        Console.Write("Values are: ");

        // Clear the SortedList


        // Displaying the count, capacity
        // and values of the SortedList.
        Console.WriteLine("After Using Clear Method:");
        Console.WriteLine("Count: {0}", mylist.Count);
        Console.WriteLine("Capacity: {0}", mylist.Capacity);
        Console.Write("Values are: ");

        // again trim the SortedList


        // Displaying the count, capacity
        // and values of the SortedList.
        Console.WriteLine("After Again Using TrimToSize Method:");
        Console.WriteLine("Count: {0}", mylist.Count);
        Console.WriteLine("Capacity: {0}", mylist.Capacity);
        Console.Write("Values are: ");

    // to display the values of SortedList
    public static void Display(SortedList mylist)
        // taking an IList and
        // using GetValueList method
        IList vlist = mylist.GetValueList();

        for (int i = 0; i < mylist.Count; i++)
            Console.Write(vlist[i] + " ");


Before Using TrimToSize Method:

Count: 5
Capacity: 16
Values are: Geeks! Hello Noida to Welcome 

After Using TrimToSize Method:

Count: 5
Capacity: 5
Values are: Geeks! Hello Noida to Welcome 

After Using Clear Method:

Count: 0
Capacity: 5
Values are: 

After Again Using TrimToSize Method:

Count: 0
Capacity: 0
Values are: