C# |数学。Log()方法
在 C# 中 数学。log()是一个数学类的方法。它用于返回指定数字的对数。通过更改传递的参数数量,可以重载此方法。数学的过载列表中总共有 2 种方法。Log() 方法如下:
数学。对数(双)法 *Math.Log(Double, Double) Method
此方法用于返回指定数字的自然对数(以 e 为底)。
cs public static double Log(double val)
val: 是要计算其自然(以 e 为底)对数的指定数,其类型为系统。双。
注意:参数值始终指定为基数 10。返回值取决于传递的参数。以下是一些案例:
- 如果参数为正,则方法将返回自然对数或对数 e (val) 。
- 如果参数是零,那么结果就是否定。
- 如果参数为负(小于零)或等于 NaN ,则结果为 NaN 。
- 如果参数是正定性,那么结果就是正定性。
- 如果论证是否定,那么结果就是楠。
```cs // C# program to demonstrate working // of Math.Log(Double) method using System;
class Geeks {
// Main Method public static void Main(String[] args) {
// double values whose logarithm // to be calculated double a = 4.55; double b = 0; double c = -2.45; double nan = Double.NaN; double positiveInfinity = Double.PositiveInfinity; double negativeInfinity = Double.NegativeInfinity;
// Input is positive number so output // will be logarithm of number Console.WriteLine(Math.Log(a));
// positive zero as argument, so output // will be -Infinity Console.WriteLine(Math.Log(b));
// Input is negative number so output // will be NaN Console.WriteLine(Math.Log(c));
// Input is NaN so output // will be NaN Console.WriteLine(Math.Log(nan));
// Input is PositiveInfinity so output // will be Infinity Console.WriteLine(Math.Log(positiveInfinity));
// Input is NegativeInfinity so output // will be NaN Console.WriteLine(Math.Log(negativeInfinity)); } } ```
```cs 1.51512723296286 -Infinity NaN NaN Infinity NaN
cs public static double Log(double val, double base)
val: 是要计算对数的指定数字,类型为系统。双。
英国压力单位 基础 回收价值 val > 0 (0 < Base < 1) or(Base > 1) log〔t0〕基〔t1〕基 val val < 0 任何值 圆盘烤饼 任何值 基数< 0 圆盘烤饼 瓦尔。= 1 base = 0 圆盘烤饼 瓦尔。= 1 base = +ve Infinity 圆盘烤饼 跌倒 = 楠 任何值 圆盘烤饼 任何值 base = NaN 圆盘烤饼 任何值 基数= 1 圆盘烤饼 val = 0 (0 +ve Infinity val = 0 基数> 1 -ve Infinity val =+go 无穷大 (0 -ve Infinity val =+go 无穷大 基数> 1 +ve Infinity val = 1 base = 0 Zero val = 1 base = +ve Infinity Zero 示例:
```cs // C# program to demonstrate working // of Math.Log(Double, Double) method using System;
class Geeks {
// Main Method public static void Main(String[] args) {
// Here val = 1.3 and base is 0.3 then // output will be logarithm of given value Console.WriteLine(Math.Log(1.3, 0.3));
// Here val is 0.5 and base > 1 then output // will be -0.5 Console.WriteLine(Math.Log(0.5, 4));
// Here val is 0.7 and base = 1 then output // will be NaN Console.WriteLine(Math.Log(0.7, 1));
// Here val is 0.7 and base is NaN then output // will be NaN Console.WriteLine(Math.Log(0.7, Double.NaN)); } } ```
```cs -0.217915440884381 -0.5 NaN NaN
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