将 System.out.println()输出重定向到 Java 文件

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/重定向-system-out-println-output-a-file-in-Java/

System.out.println() 主要用于向控制台打印消息。然而,我们很少有人真正了解它的工作机制。

  • System is a class defined in java.lang package.
  • Out is an instance of printstream , which is a public static member of class system .
  • Because all instances of the printstream class have a public method println () , we can also call the same method on out. We can assume that system output represents the standard output stream.

与上述主题相关的一个有趣的事实是,我们也可以使用 System.out.println() 将消息打印到其他来源(而不仅仅是控制台)。但是在这样做之前,我们必须使用系统类的以下方法重新分配标准输出:

System.*setOut*(PrintStream p);

打印流可用于将字符输出到文本文件。下面的程序创建文件 A.txt,并使用 System.out.println(

// Java program to demonstrate redirection in System.out.println()
import java.io.*;

public class SystemFact
    public static void main(String arr[]) throws FileNotFoundException
        // Creating a File object that represents the disk file.
        PrintStream o = new PrintStream(new File("A.txt"));

        // Store current System.out before assigning a new value
        PrintStream console = System.out;

        // Assign o to output stream
        System.out.println("This will be written to the text file");

        // Use stored value for output stream
        System.out.println("This will be written on the console!");


以非常相似的方式,我们也可以使用 System.out.println()来写入套接字的输出流。

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