Java 中 TreeMap 和 TreeSet 的相似之处

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/tree map-and-treeset-in-Java/之间的相似之处

TreeSet 主要是 java 中 SortedSet 的一个实现,不允许重复,对象以排序和升序的方式存储。


*Java 中 TreeSet 和 TreeMap 的相似之处。*

  1. TreeMap 和 TreeSet 都属于 java.util 包。 Both are part of the Java collection framework. Null values are not allowed. Both are sorted. The sort order can be either the natural sort order defined by the comparable interface or the custom sort order defined by the comparison interface. They are not synchronized, so they are not used for concurrent applications. Both of them provide O(log(n)) time complexity for any operation (such as put, get, containsKey, remove). Red-black trees are used inside sets and tree diagrams.

*tree map 和 TreeSet 图解:*


// Java program to demonstrate some basic functions
// of TreeMap and TreeSet

import java.util.*;

class GFG {
    public static void main (String[] args) {

      TreeSet<Integer> st=new TreeSet<>();

      TreeMap<Integer,Integer> tm=new TreeMap<>();




java [4, 5, 6, 8] {2=3, 3=6, 4=6}**