Java 中的短反转字节(),示例

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/short-reverse bytes-in-Java-with-examples/

Short类的 reverseBytes() 方法是 Java 中的内置方法,用于返回通过反转指定短值的二进制补码表示中的字节顺序而获得的值。


public static short reverseBytes(*short a*)

参数:该方法取一个短类型的参数 a ,其字节将被反转。



Input: 75
Output: 1258291200
Consider an short a = 75 
Binary Representation = 1001011
Number of one bit = 4 
After reversing the bytes = 1258291200

Input: -43
Output: -704643073

下面的程序说明了 Short.reverseBytes()方法:

程序 1: 为正数。

// Java program to illustrate the
// Short.reverseBytes() method

import java.lang.*;

public class Geeks {

    public static void main(String[] args)

        // Create a Short instance
        short a = 61;

        // Print the value before reversal of Bytes
        System.out.println("Original value = " + a);

        // Reverse the bytes in the specified short value
        // Using reverseBytes() method
        System.out.println("After reversing the bytes :  \n"
                           + "New value : "
                           + Short.reverseBytes(a));


Original value = 61
After reversing the bytes :  
New value : 15616

程序 2: 为负数。

// Java program to illustrate the
// Short.reverseBytes() method

import java.lang.*;

public class Geeks {

    public static void main(String[] args)

        // Create a Short instance
        short a = -45;

        // Print the value before reversal of Bytes
        System.out.println("Original value = " + a);

        // Reverse the bytes in the specified short value
        // Using reverseBytes() method
        System.out.println("After reversing the bytes :  \n"
                           + "New value : "
                           + Short.reverseBytes(a));


Original value = -45
After reversing the bytes :  
New value : -11265