Java 中的正则表达式


正则表达式(简称 Regex)是一个定义字符串模式的应用编程接口,可用于在 Java 中搜索、操作和编辑字符串。电子邮件验证和密码是字符串的几个领域,Regex 被广泛用于定义约束。正则表达式在 java.util.regex 包下提供。这包括 3 个类和 1 个接口。Java . util . regex包主要由以下三个类组成,如下表所示:

对文本执行匹配操作 | kind | describe | | --- | --- | | 乌提尔。regex。模式 | Used to define patterns. | | 不,不,不。瑞吉斯。匹配项 | Used for usage mode |

Java 中的 Regex 为我们提供了下面列出的两个类:

  1. 模式类
  2. 火柴人班


类 1: 模式类

此类是正则表达式的编译,可用于定义各种类型的模式,不提供公共构造函数。这可以通过调用 compile()方法来创建,该方法接受正则表达式作为第一个参数,从而在执行后返回一个模式。

| way | describe | | --- | --- | | 编译(字符串正则表达式) | It is used to compile a given regular expression into a pattern. | | 年复一年(regex 字符串,int flags) | Used to compile a given regular expression into a pattern with a given flag. | | 旗帜() | The matching flag used to return the pattern. | | 匹配器(字符序列输入) | It is used to create a matcher that will match the given input according to the pattern. | | 匹配(字符串正则表达式,字符序列输入) | It is used to compile the given regular expression and try to match the given input with it. | | model | Returns the regular expression used to compile the pattern. | | quote | The text pattern string used to return the specified string. | | 拆分(字符序列输入) | Used to split the given input sequence around the matches of the pattern. | | 拆分(CharSequence 输入,int 限制) | Used to split the given input sequence around the matches of the pattern. Limit the number of times the parameter controls the application mode. | | toString() | It is used to return the string representation of this pattern. |


Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java Program Demonstrating Working of matches() Method
// Pattern class

// Importing Pattern class from java.util.regex package
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

// Main class
class GFG {

    // Main driver method
    public static void main(String args[])

        // Following line prints "true" because the whole
        // text "geeksforgeeks" matches pattern
        // "geeksforge*ks"
            "geeksforge*ks", "geeksforgeeks"));

        // Following line prints "false" because the whole
        // text "geeksfor" doesn't match pattern "g*geeks*"
            Pattern.matches("g*geeks*", "geeksfor"));



2 级:火柴人级

该对象用于在 java 中对输入字符串执行匹配操作,从而解释前面解释的模式。这也没有定义公共构造函数。这可以通过在任何模式对象上调用 matcher()来实现。

| way | describe | | --- | --- | | 查找() | It is mainly used to search for regular expressions that appear many times in text. | | 查找(int start) | Used to search for the occurrence of regular expressions in text from a given index. | | 【开始()】 | Gets the starting index of the match found using the find () method. | | end() | Gets the ending index of the match found using the find () method. It returns the character index next to the last matching character. | | 组计数() | Total number of matching subsequences used to find. | | Group () | Used to find matching subsequences. | | matching | Used to test whether the regular expression matches the pattern. |


让我们像讨论模式类一样讨论几个示例程序。为了更好地理解 Matcher 类,这里我们将讨论几个演示 compile()、find()、start()、end()和 split()工作原理的 java 程序。

示例 1: 模式搜索

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java program to demonstrate working of
// String matching in Java

// Importing Matcher and Pattern class to
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

// Main class
class GFG {

    // Main driver method
    public static void main(String args[])

        // Create a pattern to be searched
        // Custom pattern
        Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("geeks");

        // Search above pattern in ""
        Matcher m = pattern.matcher("");

        // Finding string using find() method
        while (m.find())

            // Print starting and ending indexes
            // of the pattern in the text
            // using this functionality of this class
            System.out.println("Pattern found from "
                               + m.start() + " to "
                               + (m.end() - 1));


Pattern found from 0 to 4
Pattern found from 8 to 12

示例 2: 简单正则表达式搜索

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java program to demonstrate working of
// String matching in Java

// Importing Matcher and Pattern class
// from java.util package
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

// Main class
class GFG {

    // Main driver method
    public static void main(String args[])

        // Creating a pattern to be searched
        // Custom pattern to be searched
        Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("ge*");

        // Searching for the above pattern in
        // ""
        Matcher m = pattern.matcher("");

        // Checking whether the pattern is there or not
        // using find() method
        while (m.find())

            // Print starting and ending indexes of the
            // pattern in text using method functionality of
            // this class
            System.out.println("Pattern found from "
                               + m.start() + " to "
                               + (m.end() - 1));


Pattern found from 0 to 2
Pattern found from 8 to 10
Pattern found from 16 to 16

示例 3: 不区分大小写的模式搜索

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java Program Demonstrating Working of String matching

// Importing Matcher class and Pattern classes
// from java.util.regex package
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

// Main class
class GFG {

    // Main driver method
    public static void main(String args[])

        // Creating a pattern to be searched
        Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(
            "ge*", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);

        // Searching above pattern in ""
        Matcher m = pattern.matcher("");

        // Find th above string using find() method
        while (m.find())

            // Printing the starting and ending indexes of
            // the pattern in text using class method
            // functionalities
            System.out.println("Pattern found from "
                               + m.start() + " to "
                               + (m.end() - 1));


Pattern found from 0 to 2
Pattern found from 8 to 10
Pattern found from 16 to 16

示例 4: split()方法根据分隔符模式拆分文本。

string split()方法在给定正则表达式的匹配项周围断开给定的字符串。这种方法有两种变体,所以在开始实现这种方法之前一定要仔细研究一下。


Input  --> String: 016-78967
Output -->  Regex: {"016", "78967"}

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java program Illustrating Working of split() Method
// by Splitting a text by a given pattern

// Importing Matcher and Pattern classes from
// java.util.regex package
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

// Main class
class GFG {

    // Main driver method
    public static void main(String args[])

        // Custom string
        String text = "geeks1for2geeks3";

        // Specifies the string pattern
        // which is to be searched
        String delimiter = "\\d";
        Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(
            delimiter, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);

        // Used to perform case insensitive search of the
        // string
        String[] result = pattern.split(text);

        // Iterating using for each loop
        for (String temp : result)

