如何用 Python 在 SQLite 中插入图像?

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/如何使用 python 在 sqlite 中插入图像/

在本文中,我们将讨论如何使用 Python 中的 sqlite3 模块在 SQLite 中插入图像。


1.使用 Python 代码设置与 SQLite 数据库的连接。

sqliteConnection = sqlite3.connect('SQLite_Retrieving_data.db')
cursor = sqliteConnection.cursor()

2.我们需要定义一个插入查询,用于将 BLOB 数据插入到表中。

sqlite_insert_blob_query = """ INSERT INTO Student
                                 (name, img) VALUES (?, ?)"""

3.通过调用此 convertToBinaryData() 函数,将人类可读文件转换为二进制数据,并将其存储为 empPhoto 变量,

empPhoto = convertToBinaryData(photo)


data_tuple = (name, empPhoto)

5.使用光标. execute() 在 Python 中执行选择查询

cursor = sqliteConnection.cursor()
cursor.execute(sqlite_insert_blob_query, data_tuple)

6.使用SQliteConnection . commit()保存我们所做的更改。



def convertToBinaryData(filename):

  # Convert binary format to images or files data
  with open(filename, 'rb') as file:
      blobData = file.read()
  return blobData

8.关闭光标连接和 MySQL 数据库

if sqliteConnection:
    print("the sqlite connection is closed")


Python 3

import sqlite3

# Function for Convert Binary Data 
# to Human Readable Format
def convertToBinaryData(filename):

    # Convert binary format to images 
    # or files data
    with open(filename, 'rb') as file:
        blobData = file.read()
    return blobData

def insertBLOB(name, photo):

        # Using connect method for establishing
        # a connection
        sqliteConnection = sqlite3.connect('SQLite_Retrieving_data.db')
        cursor = sqliteConnection.cursor()
        print("Connected to SQLite")

        # insert query
        sqlite_insert_blob_query = """ INSERT INTO Student
                                  (name, img) VALUES (?, ?)"""

        # Converting human readable file into 
        # binary data
        empPhoto = convertToBinaryData(photo)

        # Convert data into tuple format
        data_tuple = (name, empPhoto)

        # using cursor object executing our query
        cursor.execute(sqlite_insert_blob_query, data_tuple)
        print("Image and file inserted successfully as a BLOB into a table")

    except sqlite3.Error as error:
        print("Failed to insert blob data into sqlite table", error)

        if sqliteConnection:
            print("the sqlite connection is closed")

insertBLOB("Smith", "D:\Internship Tasks\GFG\images\One.png")
insertBLOB("David", "D:\Internship Tasks\GFG\images\person.png")


上述 Python 程序的输出

让我们使用 SELECT 查询和适当的格式命令来检查数据库中的输出,
