波拉德 p-1 算法
将一个大的奇整数 n 分解成其对应的素因子可能是一项困难的任务。蛮力方法可以测试所有小于 n 的整数,直到找到除数。这被证明是非常耗时的,因为除数本身可能是一个非常大的素数。
波拉德 p-1 算法是求任意整数素因子的较好方法。利用模幂和 GCD 的组合帮助,它能够在短时间内计算所有不同的素因子。
- 给定一个数 n. 初始化 a = 2,i = 2
- 直到返回一个因子为止,如果 1 < d < n,则 返回 d 否则 I<-I+1 T7】
- 其他因素,d'
- 如果 d '不是质因数 n < - d' 转到 1 否则 d 和 d '是两个质因数。
在上面的算法中,“a”的幂不断增加,直到得到 n 的因子“d”。一旦得到 d,另一个因子“d”就是 n/d。如果 d’不是素数,那么对 d’重复同样的任务
Input : 1403
Output : Prime factors of 1403 are 61 23.
Explanation : n = 1403, a = 2, i = 2
1st Iteration:
a = (2^2) mod 1403 = 4
d = GCD(3, 1403) = 1
i = 2 + 1 = 3
2nd Iteration:
a = (4^3) mod 1403 = 64
d = GCD(63, 1403) = 1
i = 3 + 1 = 4
3rd Iteration:
a = (64^4) mod 1403 = 142
d = GCD(141, 1403) = 1
i = 4 + 1 = 5
4th Iteration:
a = (142^5) mod 1403 = 794
d = GCD(793, 1403) = 61
Since 1 < d < n, one factor is 61.
d' = 1403 / 61 = 23.
Input : 2993
Output : Prime factors of 2993 are 41 73.
# Python code for Pollard p-1
# factorization Method
# importing "math" for
# calculating GCD
import math
# importing "sympy" for
# checking prime
import sympy
# function to generate
# prime factors
def pollard(n):
# defining base
a = 2
# defining exponent
i = 2
# iterate till a prime factor is obtained
# recomputing a as required
a = (a**i) % n
# finding gcd of a-1 and n
# using math function
d = math.gcd((a-1), n)
# check if factor obtained
if (d > 1):
#return the factor
return d
# else increase exponent by one
# for next round
i += 1
# Driver code
n = 1403
# temporarily storing n
num = n
# list for storing prime factors
ans = []
# iterated till all prime factors
# are obtained
# function call
d = pollard(num)
# add obtained factor to list
# reduce n
r = int(num/d)
# check for prime using sympy
# both prime factors obtained
# reduced n is not prime, so repeat
num = r
# print the result
print("Prime factors of", n, "are", *ans)
Prime factors of 1403 are 61 23
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