计算数组中的对(I,j)的数量,使得 arr[i] * j = arr[j] * i

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/count-对数-I-j-from-a-arri-j-arrj-I/

给定大小为 N数组 arr[] ,任务是计算数组中可能的对 (i,j) 的数量,使得 arr[j] * i = arr[i] * j ,其中 1 ≤ i < j ≤ N.


输入: arr[] = {1,3,5,6,5} 输出: 2 说明: 对(1,5)满足条件,因为 arr[1] * 5 = arr[5] * 1。 对(2,4)满足条件,因为 arr[2] * 4 = arr[4] * 2。 因此,满足给定条件的对的总数是 2。

输入: arr[] = {2,1,3 } T3】输出: 0


时间复杂度:O(N2) 辅助空间: O(1)

有效方法:为了优化上述方法,该思想基于给定等式 arr[i] * j = arr[j] * iarr[i] / i = arr[j] / j 的重排。 按照以下步骤解决问题:

  • 初始化一个变量,比如计数,以存储满足给定条件的对的总计数。
  • 初始化一个无序映射,比如 mp,来计算值arr【I/I】的频率。
  • 遍历阵arr【】并更新地图arr【I/I】的频率。
  • 打印作为答案。



// C++ program for the above approach

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// Function to count pairs from an
// array satisfying given conditions
void countPairs(int arr[], int N)
    // Stores the total
    // count of pairs
    int count = 0;

    // Stores count of a[i] / i
    unordered_map<double, int> mp;

    // Traverse the array
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        double val = 1.0 * arr[i];
        double idx = 1.0 * (i + 1);

        // Updating count
        count += mp[val / idx];

        // Update frequency
        // in the Map
        mp[val / idx]++;

    // Print count of pairs
    cout << count;

// Driver Code
int main()
    // Given array
    int arr[] = { 1, 3, 5, 6, 5 };

    // Size of the array
    int N = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);

    // Function call to count pairs
    // satisfying given conditions
    countPairs(arr, N);

    return 0;

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java program for the above approach
import java.util.*;

class GFG{

// Function to count pairs from an
// array satisfying given conditions
static void countPairs(int []arr, int N)

    // Stores the total
    // count of pairs
    int count = 0;

    // Stores count of a[i]/i
    Map<Double, Integer>  mp
            = new HashMap<Double, Integer>();

    // Traverse the array
    for(int i = 0; i < N; i++)
        Double val = 1.0 * arr[i];
        Double idx = 1.0 * (i + 1);

        // Updating count
        if (mp.containsKey(val / idx))
            count += mp.get(val/idx);

        // Update frequency
        // in the Map
        if (mp.containsKey(val / idx))
            mp.put(val / idx, mp.getOrDefault(val / idx, 0) + 1);
            mp.put(val/idx, 1);

    // Print count of pairs

// Driver Code
public static void main(String args[])

    // Given array
    int []arr = { 1, 3, 5, 6, 5 };

    // Size of the array
    int N = arr.length;

    // Function call to count pairs
    // satisfying given conditions
    countPairs(arr, N);

// This code is contributed by ipg2016107.

Python 3

# Python3 program for the above approach
from collections import defaultdict

# Function to count pairs from an
# array satisfying given conditions
def countPairs(arr, N):

    # Stores the total
    # count of pairs
    count = 0

    # Stores count of a[i] / i
    mp = defaultdict(int)

    # Traverse the array
    for i in range(N):
        val = 1.0 * arr[i]
        idx = 1.0 * (i + 1)

        # Updating count
        count += mp[val / idx]

        # Update frequency
        # in the Map
        mp[val / idx] += 1

    # Print count of pairs

# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":

    # Given array
    arr = [1, 3, 5, 6, 5]

    # Size of the array
    N = len(arr)

    # Function call to count pairs
    # satisfying given conditions
    countPairs(arr, N)

# This code is contributed by ukasp


// C# program for the above approach
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class GFG{

// Function to count pairs from an
// array satisfying given conditions
static void countPairs(int []arr, int N)

    // Stores the total
    // count of pairs
    int count = 0;

    // Stores count of a[i]/i
               int> mp = new Dictionary<double,

    // Traverse the array
    for(int i = 0; i < N; i++)
        double val = 1.0 * arr[i];
        double idx = 1.0 * (i + 1);

        // Updating count
        if (mp.ContainsKey(val / idx))
            count += mp[val/idx];

        // Update frequency
        // in the Map
        if (mp.ContainsKey(val / idx))
            mp[val / idx]++;
            mp[val/idx] = 1;

    // Print count of pairs

// Driver Code
public static void Main()

    // Given array
    int []arr = { 1, 3, 5, 6, 5 };

    // Size of the array
    int N = arr.Length;

    // Function call to count pairs
    // satisfying given conditions
    countPairs(arr, N);

// This code is contributed by SURENDRA_GANGWAR

java 描述语言


// Javascript program for the above approach

// Function to count pairs from an
// array satisfying given conditions
function countPairs(arr, N)
    // Stores the total
    // count of pairs
    var count = 0;

    // Stores count of a[i] / i
    var mp = new Map();

    // Traverse the array
    for (var i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        var val = 1.0 * arr[i];
        var idx = 1.0 * (i + 1);

        // Updating count
        count += mp.has(val/idx)?mp.get(val/idx):0

        // Update frequency
        // in the Map
            mp.set(val/idx, mp.get(val/idx)+1)
            mp.set(val/idx, 1)


    // Print count of pairs
    document.write( count);

// Driver Code
// Given array
var arr = [1, 3, 5, 6, 5];

// Size of the array
var N = arr.length;

// Function call to count pairs
// satisfying given conditions
countPairs(arr, N);

// This code is contributed by itsok.




时间复杂度:O(N) T5辅助空间:** O(N)