
原文: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/degree-of-a-cycle-graph/

给定循环图中的顶点数。 任务是找到循环图的度数和边数。


循环图:在图论中,由单个循环组成的图称为循环图或圆形图。 具有 n 个顶点的循环图称为 Cn


  • 它是一个连通图。

  • 循环图或循环图是由单个循环组成的图。

  • 在循环图中,顶点数等于边数。

  • 当且仅当其具有偶数个顶点时,循环图才是 2 边可着色或 2 顶点可着色的。

  • 当且仅当循环图的顶点数为奇数时,它才是 3 边可着色的或 3 边可着色的。

  • 在循环图中,图中每个顶点的度为 2。

  • 循环图的度为顶点数的 2 倍。 由于每个边被计数两次。


Input: Number of vertices = 4
Output: Degree is 8
        Edges are 4
The total edges are 4 
and the Degree of the Graph is 8
as 2 edge incident on each of 
the vertices i.e on a, b, c, and d. 

Input: number of vertices = 5
Output: Degree is 10
        Edges are 5


程序 1:对于 4 个顶点的循环图


// C++ implementation of above program. 

#include <bits/stdc++.h> 
using namespace std; 

// function that calculates the 
// number of Edge in a cycle graph. 
int getnumberOfEdges(int numberOfVertices) 
    int numberOfEdges = 0; 

    // The numberOfEdges of the cycle graph 
    // will be same as the numberOfVertices 
    numberOfEdges = numberOfVertices; 

    // return the numberOfEdges 
    return numberOfEdges; 

// function that calculates the degree 
int getDegree(int numberOfVertices) 
    int degree; 

    // The degree of the cycle graph 
    // will be twice the numberOfVertices 
    degree = 2 * numberOfVertices; 

    // return the degree 
    return degree; 

// Driver code 
int main() 

    // Get the number of vertices 
    int numberOfVertices = 4; 

    // Find the numberOfEdges and degree 
    // from the numberOfVertices 
    // and print the result 
    cout << "For numberOfVertices = "
         << numberOfVertices 
         << "\nDegree = "
         << getDegree(numberOfVertices) 
         << "\nNumber of Edges = "
         << getnumberOfEdges(numberOfVertices); 

    return 0; 