
原文: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/count-single-node-isolated-sub-graphs-disconnected-graph/

给出了具有 N 个顶点和 K 个边的不连续图。 任务是找到单例子图的计数。 单例图是只有一个顶点的图。


Input : 
Vertices : 6
Edges :    1 2
           1 3
           5 6
Output : 1
Explanation :  The Graph has 3 components : {1-2-3}, {5-6}, {4}
Out of these, the only component forming singleton graph is {4}.

对于以邻接表表示形式给出的图,这个想法很简单。 我们遍历列表并找到列表中没有元素的索引(代表节点),即没有连通组件。



// CPP code to count the singleton sub-graphs 
// in a disconnected graph 
#include <bits/stdc++.h> 
using namespace std; 

// Function to compute the count 
int compute(vector<int> graph[], int N) 
    // Storing intermediate result 
    int count = 0; 

    // Traversing the Nodes 
    for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++) 

        // Singleton component 
        if (graph[i].size() == 0) 

    // Returning the result 
    return count; 

// Driver 
int main() 
    // Number of nodes 
    int N = 6; 

    // Adjacency list for edges 1..6 
    vector<int> graph[7]; 

    // Representing edges 



    cout << compute(graph, N); 