

给定单链表和整数K,任务是从给定的链表中删除总和为K的所有连续节点集。 删除后打印更新的链表。 如果无法进行此类删除,请打印原始的链表。


输入linkedList = 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 3 -> 1, K = 3

输出-3 -> 1


连续和为 3 的节点为:

1)1 -> 2


因此, 删除这些节点链的链表将变为:-3 -> 1

输入linkedList = 1 -> 1 -> -3 -> -3-> -2, K = 5

输出1 -> 1 -> -3 -> -3 -> -2




  1. 在链表的开头附加值为零的节点。

  2. 遍历给定的链表

  3. 在遍历期间,将节点值的总和存储到该节点,并以unordered_map作为当前节点的引用。

  4. 如果在unordered_map中存在值为sum – K的节点,则删除映射中与存储的值sum – K对应的节点到当前节点的所有节点,并将和更新为0

  5. 如果在unordered_map中不存在sum – K值的节点,则将当前总和与节点存储在映射中。


// C++ program for the above approach 

#include <bits/stdc++.h> 
using namespace std; 

// A Linked List Node 
struct ListNode { 
    int val; 
    ListNode* next; 

    // Contructor 
    ListNode(int x) 
        : val(x), next(NULL) 

// Function to create Node 
ListNode* getNode(int data) 
    ListNode* temp; 
    temp = (ListNode*)malloc(sizeof(ListNode)); 
    temp->val = data; 
    temp->next = NULL; 
    return temp; 

// Function to print the Linked List 
void printList(ListNode* head) 
    while (head->next) { 
        cout << head->val << " -> "; 
        head = head->next; 
    printf("%d", head->val); 

// Function that removes continuos nodes 
// whose sum is K 
ListNode* removeZeroSum(ListNode* head, 
                        int K) 
    // Root node initialise to 0 
    ListNode* root = new ListNode(0); 

    // Append at the front of the given 
    // Linked List 
    root->next = head; 

    // Map to store the sum and reference 
    // of the Node 
    unordered_map<int, ListNode*> umap; 

    umap[0] = root; 

    // To store the sum while traversing 
    int sum = 0; 

    // Traversing the Linked List 
    while (head != NULL) { 

        // Find sum 
        sum += head->val; 

        // If found value with (sum - K) 
        if (umap.find(sum - K) != umap.end()) { 

            ListNode* prev = umap[sum - K]; 
            ListNode* start = prev; 

            // Delete all the node 
            // traverse till current node 
            int aux = sum; 

            // Traverse till current head 
            while (prev != head) { 
                prev = prev->next; 
                aux += prev->val; 
                if (prev != head) { 

            // Update the start value to 
            // the next value of current head 
            start->next = head->next; 

            // Update sum to zero 
            sum = 0; 

        // If (sum - K) value not found 
        else { 
            umap[sum] = head; 

        head = head->next; 

    // Return the value of updated 
    // head node 
    return root->next; 

// Driver Code 
int main() 
    // head Node 
    ListNode* head; 

    // Create Linked List 
    head = getNode(1); 
    head->next = getNode(2); 
    head->next->next = getNode(-3); 
    head->next->next->next = getNode(3); 
    head->next->next->next->next = getNode(1); 

    // Given sum K 
    int K = 5; 

    // Function call to get head node 
    // of the updated Linked List 
    head = removeZeroSum(head, K); 

    // Print the updated Linked List 
    return 0; 


1 -> 2 -> -3 -> 3 -> 1



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