原文: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/degree-centrality-centrality-measure/
在图论中,图的顶点的度(或价)是入射到该顶点的边数,循环数为 2。[1] 顶点的程度表示为或。 以(G)表示的图 G 的最大度和以(G)表示的图的最小度是其顶点的最大和最小度。 在右边的图中,最大次数是 5,最小次数是 0。在规则图中,所有次数都是相同的,因此我们可以说图的次数。
历史上首先也是概念上最简单的是程度中心性,它定义为入射到节点上的链接数(即节点具有的联系数)。 可以根据节点捕获网络中任何流(例如病毒或某些信息)的直接风险来解释该程度。 在有向网络(联系有方向)的情况下,我们通常定义度中心度的两个独立度量,即度和度。 因此,“入度”是指向该节点的关系的数量的计数,而“出度”是该节点指向其他节点的关系的数量。 当关系与诸如友谊或合作之类的积极方面相关联时,经常将度数解释为一种流行形式,而将度数解释为合群。
节点级别的中心性定义可以扩展到整个图,在这种情况下,我们所说的是图中心化。 令为中具有最高度中心度的节点。 令为使以下数量最大化的节点连接图(其中为中度中心度最高的节点):
import networkx as nx
def degree_centrality(G, nodes):
r"""Compute the degree centrality for nodes in a bipartite network.
The degree centrality for a node `v` is the fraction of nodes
connected to it.
G : graph
A bipartite network
nodes : list or container
Container with all nodes in one bipartite node set.
centrality : dictionary
Dictionary keyed by node with bipartite degree centrality as the value.
The nodes input parameter must contain all nodes in one bipartite node set,
but the dictionary returned contains all nodes from both bipartite node
For unipartite networks, the degree centrality values are
normalized by dividing by the maximum possible degree (which is
`n-1` where `n` is the number of nodes in G).
In the bipartite case, the maximum possible degree of a node in a
bipartite node set is the number of nodes in the opposite node set
[1]_. The degree centrality for a node `v` in the bipartite
sets `U` with `n` nodes and `V` with `m` nodes is
.. math::
d_{v} = \frac{deg(v)}{m}, \mbox{for} v \in U ,
d_{v} = \frac{deg(v)}{n}, \mbox{for} v \in V ,
where `deg(v)` is the degree of node `v`.
top = set(nodes)
bottom = set(G) - top
s = 1.0/len(bottom)
centrality = dict((n,d*s) for n,d in G.degree_iter(top))
s = 1.0/len(top)
centrality.update(dict((n,d*s) for n,d in G.degree_iter(bottom)))
return centrality
上面的函数是使用 networkx 库调用的,安装该库后,您最终可以使用它,并且以下代码必须用 python 编写,以实现节点的度中心性。
import networkx as nx
{0: 0.5252525252525253, 1: 0.4444444444444445, 2: 0.5454545454545455, 3: 0.36363636363636365,
4: 0.42424242424242425, 5: 0.494949494949495, 6: 0.5454545454545455, 7: 0.494949494949495,
8: 0.5555555555555556, 9: 0.5151515151515152, 10: 0.5454545454545455, 11: 0.5151515151515152,
12: 0.494949494949495, 13: 0.4444444444444445, 14: 0.494949494949495, 15: 0.4141414141414142,
16: 0.43434343434343436, 17: 0.5555555555555556, 18: 0.494949494949495, 19: 0.5151515151515152,
20: 0.42424242424242425, 21: 0.494949494949495, 22: 0.5555555555555556, 23: 0.5151515151515152,
24: 0.4646464646464647, 25: 0.4747474747474748, 26: 0.4747474747474748, 27: 0.494949494949495,
28: 0.5656565656565657, 29: 0.5353535353535354, 30: 0.4747474747474748, 31: 0.494949494949495,
32: 0.43434343434343436, 33: 0.4444444444444445, 34: 0.5151515151515152, 35: 0.48484848484848486,
36: 0.43434343434343436, 37: 0.4040404040404041, 38: 0.5656565656565657, 39: 0.5656565656565657,
40: 0.494949494949495, 41: 0.5252525252525253, 42: 0.4545454545454546, 43: 0.42424242424242425,
44: 0.494949494949495, 45: 0.595959595959596, 46: 0.5454545454545455, 47: 0.5050505050505051,
48: 0.4646464646464647, 49: 0.48484848484848486, 50: 0.5353535353535354, 51: 0.5454545454545455,
52: 0.5252525252525253, 53: 0.5252525252525253, 54: 0.5353535353535354, 55: 0.6464646464646465,
56: 0.4444444444444445, 57: 0.48484848484848486, 58: 0.5353535353535354, 59: 0.494949494949495,
60: 0.4646464646464647, 61: 0.5858585858585859, 62: 0.494949494949495, 63: 0.48484848484848486,
64: 0.4444444444444445, 65: 0.6262626262626263, 66: 0.5151515151515152, 67: 0.4444444444444445,
68: 0.4747474747474748, 69: 0.5454545454545455, 70: 0.48484848484848486, 71: 0.5050505050505051,
72: 0.4646464646464647, 73: 0.4646464646464647, 74: 0.5454545454545455, 75: 0.4444444444444445,
76: 0.42424242424242425, 77: 0.4545454545454546, 78: 0.494949494949495, 79: 0.494949494949495,
80: 0.4444444444444445, 81: 0.48484848484848486, 82: 0.48484848484848486, 83: 0.5151515151515152,
84: 0.494949494949495, 85: 0.5151515151515152, 86: 0.5252525252525253, 87: 0.4545454545454546,
88: 0.5252525252525253, 89: 0.5353535353535354, 90: 0.5252525252525253, 91: 0.4646464646464647,
92: 0.4646464646464647, 93: 0.5555555555555556, 94: 0.5656565656565657, 95: 0.4646464646464647,
96: 0.494949494949495, 97: 0.494949494949495, 98: 0.5050505050505051, 99: 0.5050505050505051}
以上结果是描述每个节点的度中心值的字典。 以上是我关于集中度度量的文章系列的扩展。 保持联网!!!
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