

给定一个链表和两个整数pq,任务是按p:q的比例划分链表,即第一个列表包含来自原始列表的前p个节点,第二个列表包含其余q个节点。 如果无法按照给定的比例分割原始列表,请打印-1


输入1 -> 3 -> 5 -> 6 -> 7 -> 2 -> NULL, p = 2, q = 4


1 3 5 6 7 2

输入1 -> 2 -> 4 -> 9 -> NULL, p = 3, q = 2


方法:首先找到链表的长度。 如果总和超过实际长度,则无法分割列表,因此打印-1。 如果可以划分列表,则只需遍历列表,直到长度为p,然后将其分解为p:q的比率即可。 下一个节点将成为第二个列表的头,然后打印两个列表。



// Java implementation of the approach 
class GFG 

// Node 
static class Node 
    int data; 
    Node next; 
    Node(int data) 
        this.data = data; 

// Function to split the given linked list  
// into ratio of p and q  
static void splitAndPrint(Node head,int p,int q) 
    int n = 0; 
    Node temp; 
    temp = head; 

    // Find the length of the list 
        n += 1; 
        temp = temp.next; 

    // If ration exceeds the actual length 
    if (p + q > n) 
    temp = head; 
    while(p > 1) 
        temp = temp.next; 
        p-= 1; 

    // second head node after splitting 
    Node head2 = temp.next; 
    temp.next = null; 

    // Print first linked list 

    // Print second linked list 

// Function to print the nodes  
// of the linked list 
static void printList(Node head) 
    if( head == null) 
    System.out.print(head.data+" , "); 

// Driver code 
public static void main(String args[]) 
    Node head = new Node(1); 
    head.next = new Node(3); 
    head.next.next = new Node(5); 
    head.next.next.next = new Node(6); 
    head.next.next.next.next = new Node(7); 
    head.next.next.next.next.next = new Node(2); 

    int p =2,q= 4; 
    splitAndPrint(head, p, q); 

// This code is contributed by Arnab Kundu 


# Python3 implementation of the approach 

# Linked List node 
class Node: 
    def __init__(self, data): 
        self.data = data 
        self.next = None

# Function to split the given linked list  
# into ratio of p and q  
def splitAndPrint(head, p, q): 
    n, temp = 0, head 

    # Find the length of the list 
        n += 1
        temp = temp.next

    # If ration exceeds the actual length 
    if p + q>n: 

    temp = head 
        temp = temp.next
        p-= 1

    # second head node after splitting 
    head2 = temp.next
    temp.next = None

    # Print first linked list 

    # Print second linked list 

# Function to print the nodes  
# of the linked list 
def printList(head): 
    if not head: 
    print("{} ".format(head.data), end ="") 

# Driver code 
head = Node(1) 
head.next = Node(3) 
head.next.next = Node(5) 
head.next.next.next = Node(6) 
head.next.next.next.next = Node(7) 
head.next.next.next.next.next = Node(2) 

p, q = 2, 4
splitAndPrint(head, p, q) 


// C# implementation of the approach 
using System; 

class GFG  

public class Node  
    public int data
    public Node next
    public Node(int data)  
        this.data = data

// Function to split the given linked list  
// into ratio of p and q  
static void splitAndPrint(Node head,int p,int q)  
    int n = 0
    Node temp
    temp = head

    // Find the length of the list  
    while(temp != null)  
        n += 1
        temp = temp.next

    // If ration exceeds the actual length  
    if (p + q > n)  
    temp = head
    while(p > 1)  
        temp = temp.next
        p-= 1

    // second head node after splitting  
    Node head2 = temp.next
    temp.next = null

    // Print first linked list  

    // Print second linked list  
    printList(head2)// Function to print the nodes  
// of the linked list  
static void printList(Node head)  
    if( head == null)  
    Console.Write(head.data+" ")
    printList(head.next)// Driver code  
public static void Main(String []args)  
    Node head = new Node(1)
    head.next = new Node(3)
    head.next.next = new Node(5)
    head.next.next.next = new Node(6)
    head.next.next.next.next = new Node(7)
    head.next.next.next.next.next = new Node(2)

    int p = 2, q = 4
    splitAndPrint(head, p, q)

/* This code contributed by PrinciRaj1992 */


1 3 
5 6 7 2


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