
原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/find-给定间隔集中的非重叠间隔/

给定 N 组时间间隔,任务是找到与给定的间隔组不重叠的间隔。 例:

输入:区间 arr[] = { {1,3}、{2,4}、{3,5}、{7,9} } 输出: 【5,7】 解释: 唯一不与其他区间重叠的区间是【5,7】。 输入:区间 arr[] = { {1,3}、{9,12}、{2,4}、{6,8} } 输出: 【4,6】 【8,9】 说明: 有两个区间与其他区间不重叠的区间是【4,6】、【8,9】。

方法:思路是按照开始时间对给定的时间间隔进行排序,如果连续的间隔没有重叠,那么它们之间的差就是自由间隔。 以下是步骤:

  1. 根据开始时间对给定的一组间隔进行排序。
  2. 遍历所有的区间组,检查连续区间是否重叠
  3. 如果区间(比如区间 a & 区间 b )没有重叠,那么由【a . end,b . start】形成的成对集合就是不重叠的区间。
  4. 如果间隔重叠,则检查下一个连续的间隔。



// C++ program for the above approach

#include "bits/stdc++.h"
using namespace std;

// interval with start time & end time
struct interval {
    int start, end;

// Comparator function to sort the given
// interval according to time
bool compareinterval(interval i1, interval i2)
    return (i1.start < i2.start);

// Function that find the free interval
void findFreeinterval(interval arr[], int N)

    // If there are no set of interval
    if (N <= 0) {

    // To store the set of free interval
    vector<pair<int, int> > P;

    // Sort the given interval according
    // starting time
    sort(arr, arr + N, compareinterval);

    // Iterate over all the interval
    for (int i = 1; i < N; i++) {

        // Previous interval end
        int prevEnd = arr[i - 1].end;

        // Current interval start
        int currStart = arr[i].start;

        // If ending index of previous
        // is less than starting index
        // of current, then it is free
        // interval
        if (prevEnd < currStart) {
            P.push_back({ prevEnd,
                          currStart });

    // Print the free interval
    for (auto& it : P) {
        cout << "[" << it.first << ", "
             << it.second << "]" << endl;

// Driver Code
int main()

    // Given set of interval
    interval arr[] = { { 1, 3 },
                       { 2, 4 },
                       { 3, 5 },
                       { 7, 9 } };

    int N = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);

    // Function Call
    findFreeinterval(arr, N);
    return 0;

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java program for the above approach
import java.util.*;
class GFG {

// Interval with start time & end time
static class Interval
    int start, end;

    Interval(int start, int end)
        this.start = start;
        this.end = end;

// Function that find the free interval
static void findFreeinterval(int[][] arr, int N)
    // If there are no set of interval
    if (N <= 0)

    // To store the set of free interval
    ArrayList<Interval> p = new ArrayList<>();

    // Sort the given interval according
    // starting time
    Arrays.sort(arr, new Comparator<int[]>()
        public int compare(int[] a, int[] b)
            return a[0] - b[0];

    // Iterate over all the interval
    for (int i = 1; i < N; i++)

        // Previous interval end
        int prevEnd = arr[i - 1][1];

        // Current interval start
        int currStart = arr[i][0];

        // If ending index of previous
        // is less than starting index
        // of current, then it is free
        // interval
        if (prevEnd < currStart)
            Interval interval = new Interval(prevEnd,

    // Print the free interval
    for (int i = 0; i < p.size(); i++)
        System.out.println("[" + p.get(i).start +
                          ", " + p.get(i).end + "]");

// Driver code
public static void main(String[] args)

    // Given set of interval
    int[][] arr = { { 1, 3 },
                    { 2, 4 },
                    { 3, 5 },
                    { 7, 9 } };

    int N = arr.length;

    // Function Call
    findFreeinterval(arr, N);

// This code is contributed by offbeat

Python 3

# Python3 program for the above approach
def findFreeinterval(arr, N):

    # If there are no set of interval
    if N < 1:

    # To store the set of free interval
    P = []

    # Sort the given interval according
    # Starting time
    arr.sort(key = lambda a:a[0])

    # Iterate over all the interval
    for i in range(1, N):

        # Previous interval end
        prevEnd = arr[i - 1][1]

        # Current interval start
        currStart = arr[i][0]

        # If Previous Interval is less
        # than current Interval then we
        # store that answer
        if prevEnd < currStart:
            P.append([prevEnd, currStart])

    # Print the intervals
    for i in P:

# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":

    # Given List of intervals
    arr = [ [ 1, 3 ], [ 2, 4 ],
            [ 3, 5 ], [ 7, 9 ] ]

    N = len(arr)

    # Function call
    findFreeinterval(arr, N)

# This code is contributed by Tokir Manva

java 描述语言


// Javascript program for the above approach

// Function that find the free interval
function findFreeinterval(arr, N)

    // If there are no set of interval
    if (N <= 0) {

    // To store the set of free interval
    var P = [];

    // Sort the given interval according
    // starting time
    arr.sort((a,b) => a[0]-b[0])

    // Iterate over all the interval
    for (var i = 1; i < N; i++) {

        // Previous interval end
        var prevEnd = arr[i - 1][1];

        // Current interval start
        var currStart = arr[i][0];

        // If ending index of previous
        // is less than starting index
        // of current, then it is free
        // interval
        if (prevEnd < currStart) {

    // Print the free interval
    P.forEach(it => {

        document.write( "[" + it[0] + ", "
             + it[1] + "]");

// Driver Code

// Given set of interval
var arr = [ [ 1, 3 ],
                   [ 2, 4 ],
                   [ 3, 5 ],
                   [ 7, 9 ] ];
var N = arr.length;

// Function Call
findFreeinterval(arr, N);

// This code is contributed by noob2000.


[5, 7]

时间复杂度: O(Nlog N)* ,其中 N 为区间集的个数。

辅助空间: O(N)