求最接近 n 且能被 m 整除的数

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/find-number-close-n-除尽-m/

给定两个整数 nm 。问题是找到最接近 n 且能被 m 整除的数。如果有一个以上这样的数字,那么输出具有最大绝对值的那个。如果 n 完全被 m 整除,则只输出 n 。要求 O(1)的时间复杂度。 约束: m!= 0 示例:

Input : n = 13, m = 4
Output : 12

Input : n = -15, m = 6
Output : -18
Both -12 and -18 are closest to -15, but
-18 has the maximum absolute value.

来源: 微软面试心得|第 125 集

我们找到 n/m 的值,让这个值为 q,然后我们找到两种可能性中最接近的一种。一个是 q * m,另一个是(m * (q + 1))或(m (q–1)),这取决于给定的两个数字中是否有一个是负数。 算法:*

closestNumber(n, m)
    Declare q, n1, n2
    q = n / m
    n1 = m * q

    if (n * m) > 0
        n2 = m * (q + 1)
        n2 = m * (q - 1)

    if abs(n-n1) < abs(n-n2)
        return n1
    return n2  


// C++ implementation to find the number closest to n
// and divisible by m
#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

// function to find the number closest to n
// and divisible by m
int closestNumber(int n, int m)
    // find the quotient
    int q = n / m;

    // 1st possible closest number
    int n1 = m * q;

    // 2nd possible closest number
    int n2 = (n * m) > 0 ? (m * (q + 1)) : (m * (q - 1));

    // if true, then n1 is the required closest number
    if (abs(n - n1) < abs(n - n2))
        return n1;

    // else n2 is the required closest number   
    return n2;   

// Driver program to test above
int main()
    int n = 13, m = 4;
    cout << closestNumber(n, m) << endl;

    n = -15; m = 6;
    cout << closestNumber(n, m) << endl;

    n = 0; m = 8;
    cout << closestNumber(n, m) << endl;

    n = 18; m = -7;
    cout << closestNumber(n, m) << endl;

    return 0;

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java implementation to find the number closest to n
// and divisible by m
public class close_to_n_divisible_m {

    // function to find the number closest to n
    // and divisible by m
    static int closestNumber(int n, int m)
        // find the quotient
        int q = n / m;

        // 1st possible closest number
        int n1 = m * q;

        // 2nd possible closest number
        int n2 = (n * m) > 0 ? (m * (q + 1)) : (m * (q - 1));

        // if true, then n1 is the required closest number
        if (Math.abs(n - n1) < Math.abs(n - n2))
            return n1;

        // else n2 is the required closest number   
        return n2;   

    // Driver program to test above
    public static void main(String args[])
        int n = 13, m = 4;
        System.out.println(closestNumber(n, m));

        n = -15; m = 6;
        System.out.println(closestNumber(n, m));

        n = 0; m = 8;
        System.out.println(closestNumber(n, m));

        n = 18; m = -7;
        System.out.println(closestNumber(n, m));
// This code is contributed by Sumit Ghosh

Python 3

# Python 3 implementation to find
# the number closest to n

# Function to find the number closest
# to n and divisible by m
def closestNumber(n, m) :
    # Find the quotient
    q = int(n / m)

    # 1st possible closest number
    n1 = m * q

    # 2nd possible closest number
    if((n * m) > 0) :
        n2 = (m * (q + 1))
    else :
        n2 = (m * (q - 1))

    # if true, then n1 is the required closest number
    if (abs(n - n1) < abs(n - n2)) :
        return n1

    # else n2 is the required closest number
    return n2

# Driver program to test above
n = 13; m = 4
print(closestNumber(n, m))

n = -15; m = 6
print(closestNumber(n, m))

n = 0; m = 8
print(closestNumber(n, m))

n = 18; m = -7
print(closestNumber(n, m))

# This code is contributed by Nikita tiwari.


// C# implementation to find the
// number closest to n and divisible by m
using System;

class GFG {

    // function to find the number closest to n
    // and divisible by m
    static int closestNumber(int n, int m)
        // find the quotient
        int q = n / m;

        // 1st possible closest number
        int n1 = m * q;

        // 2nd possible closest number
        int n2 = (n * m) > 0 ? (m * (q + 1)) : (m * (q - 1));

        // if true, then n1 is the required closest number
        if (Math.Abs(n - n1) < Math.Abs(n - n2))
            return n1;

        // else n2 is the required closest number
        return n2;

    // Driver program to test above
    public static void Main()
        int n = 13, m = 4;
        Console.WriteLine(closestNumber(n, m));

        n = -15;
        m = 6;
        Console.WriteLine(closestNumber(n, m));

        n = 0;
        m = 8;
        Console.WriteLine(closestNumber(n, m));

        n = 18;
        m = -7;
        Console.WriteLine(closestNumber(n, m));

// This code is contributed by Sam007

服务器端编程语言(Professional Hypertext Preprocessor 的缩写)

// PHP implementation to find
// the number closest to n and
// divisible by m

// function to find the number
// closest to n and divisible by m
function closestNumber($n, $m)
    // find the quotient
    $q = (int) ($n / $m);

    // 1st possible closest number
    $n1 = $m * $q;

    // 2nd possible closest number
    $n2 = ($n * $m) > 0 ?
        ($m * ($q + 1)) : ($m * ($q - 1));

    // if true, then n1 is the
    // required closest number
    if (abs($n - $n1) < abs($n - $n2))
        return $n1;

    // else n2 is the required
    // closest number
    return $n2;

// Driver Code
$n = 13;
$m = 4;
echo closestNumber($n, $m), "\n";

$n = -15;
$m = 6;
echo closestNumber($n, $m), "\n";

$n = 0;
$m = 8;
    echo closestNumber($n, $m), "\n";

$n = 18;
$m = -7;
    echo closestNumber($n, $m), "\n";

// This code is contributed by jit_t

java 描述语言

// Javascript implementation to find
// the number closest to n and
// divisible by m

// function to find the number
// closest to n and divisible by m
function closestNumber(n, m)

    // find the quotient
    let q = parseInt(n / m);

    // 1st possible closest number
    let n1 = m * q;

    // 2nd possible closest number
    let n2 = (n * m) > 0 ?
        (m * (q + 1)) : (m * (q - 1));

    // if true, then n1 is the
    // required closest number
    if (Math.abs(n - n1) < Math.abs(n - n2))
        return n1;

    // else n2 is the required
    // closest number
    return n2;

// Driver Code
let n = 13;
let m = 4;
document.write(closestNumber(n, m) + "<br>");

n = -15;
m = 6;
document.write(closestNumber(n, m) + "<br>");

n = 0;
m = 8;
document.write(closestNumber(n, m) + "<br>");

n = 18;
m = -7;
document.write(closestNumber(n, m) + "<br>");

// This code is contributed by gfgking



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