Python 如何在 Selenium 中切换到新窗口?

原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/如何切换到 python Selenium新窗口/

Selenium 是用于网络测试和自动化的最常用的 Python 工具。但是当用户需要在 chrome 中的窗口之间切换时,问题就出现了。因此,Selenium也得到了保护。Selenium 将这些方法用于此任务-

  • Window _ handles is used to handle different windows. It stores the window id for switching.
  • Switch _ to.window The method is to switch between windows by means of window_handles ids.


  • Set the URL and import selenium

python 3

# import modules
from selenium import webdriver  
import time  

# provide the path for chromedriver
PATH = "C:/chromedriver.exe"  

# pass on the path to driver for working
driver = webdriver.Chrome(PATH)