Python 中的 Inplace 运算符|集合 2 (ixor()、ind()、ipow()、…)

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/in place-operators-in-python-set-2 ixor-and-ipow/

Python 中的 Inplace 运算符| Set 1(iadd()、isub()、icon cat()……)


1。ixor() :-该功能用于分配和异或当前值。该操作执行“ a^ = b 操作。对于不可变的容器,如字符串、数字和元组,赋值是而不是

2。ipow() :-该功能用于分配当前值并求其幂。该操作执行“ a = b 操作。赋值是而不是**在不可变容器的情况下执行,如字符串、数字和元组。

# Python code to demonstrate the working of 
# ixor() and ipow()

# importing operator to handle operator operations
import operator

# using ixor() to exclusive or and assign value
x = operator.ixor(10,5);

# printing the modified value
print ("The value after xoring and assigning : ",end="")
print (x)

# using ipow() to exponentiate and assign value
x = operator.ipow(5,4);

# printing the modified value
print ("The value after exponentiating and assigning : ",end="")
print (x)


The value after xoring and assigning : 15
The value after exponentiating and assigning : 625

3。ind():-该函数用于分配和按位与当前值。该操作执行“ a & = b 操作。对于不可变的容器,如字符串、数字和元组,赋值是而不是

4。ior() :-该函数用于对当前值进行赋值和按位 or 运算。该操作执行“ a |=b 操作。赋值是而不是在不可变容器的情况下执行,如字符串、数字和元组。

# Python code to demonstrate the working of 
# ior() and iand()

# importing operator to handle operator operations
import operator

# using ior() to or, and assign value
x = operator.ior(10,5);

# printing the modified value
print ("The value after bitwise or, and assigning : ",end="")
print (x)

# using iand() to and, and assign value
x = operator.iand(5,4);

# printing the modified value
print ("The value after bitwise and, and assigning : ",end="")
print (x)


The value after bitwise or, and assigning : 15
The value after bitwise and, and assigning : 4

5。ilshift() :-该函数用于通过第二个参数对当前值进行赋值和按位左移位。该操作执行“ a < < =b 操作。对于不可变的容器,如字符串、数字和元组,赋值是而不是

6。irshift() :-该函数用于通过第二个参数对当前值进行赋值和按位右移。该操作执行“ a > > =b 操作。赋值是而不是在不可变容器的情况下执行,如字符串、数字和元组。

# Python code to demonstrate the working of 
# ilshift() and irshift()

# importing operator to handle operator operations
import operator

# using ilshift() to bitwise left shift and assign value
x = operator.ilshift(8,2);

# printing the modified value
print ("The value after bitwise left shift and assigning : ",end="")
print (x)

# using irshift() to bitwise right shift and assign value
x = operator.irshift(8,2);

# printing the modified value
print ("The value after bitwise right shift and assigning : ",end="")
print (x)


The value after bitwise left shift and assigning : 32
The value after bitwise right shift and assigning : 2


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