以‘a’开头但不包含子串‘aab’的 DFA

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/DFA-以-a 开头但不包含-substring-aab/

先决条件: 确定性有限自动机简介 构建一个 DFA,该 DFA 接受以输入字母表 'a' 开始的字符串 str ,但不包含 'aab' 作为输入上的子字符串 {a,b}


输入: str = "babba" 输出:未接受 解释: 给定的字符串不以‘a’开头。

输入: str = "abbaaaaa" 输出:接受 解释: 给定字符串以‘a’开头,不包含“aab”作为子字符串。

方法: 转换表有助于理解每个状态的转换是如何在输入字母上发生的。在过渡表中,初始状态由 — > 表示,最终状态由 * 表示。有 3 个最终状态,一个初始状态和一个死亡状态。

给定 DFA 的状态转移表:

| 状态 | 输入(a) | 输入(b) | | --- | --- | --- | | ——>一个 | B* | q(死状态) | | B* | C* | D* | | C* | C* | q(死状态) | | D* | B* | D* | | q(死状态) | q(死状态) | 问(死状态) | **下图为 DFA 图:** ![](img/d28743219269511a61bc31d4b97fd16a.png) 以下是上述 DFA 的实施情况: ## C++
// C++ code for the above DFA
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
void stateQ(string);
void stateA(string);
void stateB(string);
void stateC(string);
void stateD(string);

// Function for state Q
// transition
void stateQ(string n)
  // In dead state
  // it shows string
  // not accepted
  cout << ("Not Accepted");

// Function for state A
// transition
void stateA(string n)
  // If at index 0
  // 'a' if found then
  // call stateB function
  // with passing n[1:] to it
  if (n[0] == 'a')
           1, n.length() + 1));

  // If at index 0
  // 'b' if found then
  // call stateQ function
  // with passing n to it

// Function for state B transition
void stateB(string n)
  // Length of string
  // become 0 then
  // print Accepted
  if (n.length() == 0)
    cout << ("Accepted");
    // If at index 0
    // 'a' if found then
    // call stateC function
    // with passing n[1:] to it
    if (n[0] == 'a')
             1, n.length() - 1));

    // If at index 0
    // 'b' if found then
    // call stateD function
    // with passing n[1:] to it
             1, n.length() - 1));

// Function for state C
// transition
void stateC(string n)
  // Length of string
  // become 0 then
  // print Accepted
  if (n.length() == 0)
    cout << ("Accepted");

    // If at index 0
    // 'a' if found then
    // call stateC function
    // with passing n[1:] to it
    if (n[0] == 'a')
             1, n.length() + 1));

    // If at index 0
    // 'b' if found then
    // call stateQ function
    // with passing n to it

// Function for state D
// transition
void stateD(string n)
  // Length of string
  // become 0 then
  // print Accepted
  if (n.length() == 0)
    cout << ("Accepted");

    // If at index 0
    // 'a' if found then
    // call stateB function
    // with passing n[1:] to it
    if (n[0] == 'a')
             1, n.length() + 1));

    // If at index 0
    // 'b' if found then
    // call stateD function
    // with passing n[1:] to it
             1, n.length() + 1));

// Driver code
int main()
  // Take string input
  string n = "aaaba";

  // Call stateA to check
  // the input

// This code is contributed by Chitranayal
## Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)
// Java code for the
// above DFA
import java.util.*;

class GFG{

// Function for state
// A transition   
static void stateA(String n)

  // If at index 0
  // 'a' if found then
  // call stateB function
  // with passing n[1:] to it
  if (n.charAt(0) == 'a')

  // If at index 0
  // 'b' if found then
  // call stateQ function
  // with passing n to it   

// Function for transition
// state B        
static void stateB(String n)

  // length() of String
  // become 0 then
  // print Accepted
  if (n.length() == 0)

    // If at index 0
    // 'a' if found then
    // call stateC function
    // with passing n[1:] to it
    if (n.charAt(0) == 'a')

    // If at index 0
    // 'b' if found then
    // call stateD function
    // with passing n[1:] to it

// Function for transition
// state C
static void stateC(String n)

  // length() of String
  // become 0 then
  // print Accepted
  if (n.length() == 0)

    // If at index 0
    // 'a' if found then
    // call stateC function
    // with passing n[1:] to it
    if (n.charAt(0) == 'a')

    // If at index 0
    // 'b' if found then
    // call stateQ function
    // with passing n to it

// Function for transition
// state D
static void stateD(String n)

  // length() of String
  // become 0 then
  // print Accepted
  if (n.length() == 0)

    // If at index 0
    // 'a' if found then
    // call stateC function
    // with passing n[1:] to it
    if (n.charAt(0) == 'a')

    // If at index 0
    // 'b' if found then
    // call stateQ function
    // with passing n to it

// Function for state Q
// transition
static void stateQ(String n)

  // In dead state
  // it shows String
  // not accepted
  System.out.print("Not Accepted");

// Driver code
public static void main(String []args)

  // Take String input
  String n ="aaaba";

  // Call stateA to check the input

// This code is contributed by pratham76
## Python 3
# Python3 code for the above DFA

# Function for state A transition
def stateA(n):

    # If at index 0
    # 'a' if found then
    # call stateB function
    # with passing n[1:] to it
    if (n[0]=='a'):

    # If at index 0
    # 'b' if found then
    # call stateQ function
    # with passing n to it   

# Function for state B transition
def stateB(n):

    # Length of string
    # become 0 then
    # print Accepted
    if(len(n)== 0):
        # If at index 0
        # 'a' if found then
        # call stateC function
        # with passing n[1:] to it
        if (n[0]=='a'):

        # If at index 0
        # 'b' if found then
        # call stateD function
        # with passing n[1:] to it   

# Function for state C transition
def stateC(n):  

    # Length of string
    # become 0 then
    # print Accepted
    if(len(n)== 0):

        # If at index 0
        # 'a' if found then
        # call stateC function
        # with passing n[1:] to it
        if (n[0]=='a'):

        # If at index 0
        # 'b' if found then
        # call stateQ function
        # with passing n to it   

# Function for state D transition
def stateD(n):

    # Length of string
    # become 0 then
    # print Accepted
    if(len(n)== 0):

        # If at index 0
        # 'a' if found then
        # call stateB function
        # with passing n[1:] to it
        if (n[0]=='a'):

        # If at index 0
        # 'b' if found then
        # call stateD function
        # with passing n[1:] to it   

# Function for state Q transition
def stateQ(n):
    # In dead state
    # it shows string
    # not accepted
    print("Not Accepted")

# Take string input
n ="aaaba"

# Call stateA to check the input
## C#
// C# code for the
// above DFA
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG{

// Function for state
// A transition   
static void stateA(string n)
  // If at index 0
  // 'a' if found then
  // call stateB function
  // with passing n[1:] to it
  if (n[0] == 'a')

  // If at index 0
  // 'b' if found then
  // call stateQ function
  // with passing n to it   

// Function for transition
// state B        
static void stateB(string n)
  // Length of string
  // become 0 then
  // print Accepted
  if (n.Length == 0)
    // If at index 0
    // 'a' if found then
    // call stateC function
    // with passing n[1:] to it
    if(n[0] == 'a')

    // If at index 0
    // 'b' if found then
    // call stateD function
    // with passing n[1:] to it

// Function for transition
// state C
static void stateC(string n)
  // Length of string
  // become 0 then
  // print Accepted
  if (n.Length == 0)
    // If at index 0
    // 'a' if found then
    // call stateC function
    // with passing n[1:] to it
    if (n[0] == 'a')

    // If at index 0
    // 'b' if found then
    // call stateQ function
    // with passing n to it

// Function for transition
// state D
static void stateD(string n)
  // Length of string
  // become 0 then
  // print Accepted
  if (n.Length == 0)
    // If at index 0
    // 'a' if found then
    // call stateC function
    // with passing n[1:] to it
    if (n[0] == 'a')

    // If at index 0
    // 'b' if found then
    // call stateQ function
    // with passing n to it


// Function for state Q
// transition
static void stateQ(string n)
  // In dead state
  // it shows string
  // not accepted
  Console.Write("Not Accepted");

// Driver code
public static void Main(string []args)
  // Take string input
  string n ="aaaba";

  // Call stateA to check the input

// This code is contributed by rutvik_56
## java 描述语言

// JavaScript program to implement
// the above approach

// Function for state
// A transition  
function stateA(n)

  // If at index 0
  // 'a' if found then
  // call stateB function
  // with passing n[1:] to it
  if (n[0] == 'a')

  // If at index 0
  // 'b' if found then
  // call stateQ function
  // with passing n to it  

// Function for transition
// state B       
function stateB(n)

  // length() of String
  // become 0 then
  // print Accepted
  if (n.length == 0)

    // If at index 0
    // 'a' if found then
    // call stateC function
    // with passing n[1:] to it
    if (n[0] == 'a')

    // If at index 0
    // 'b' if found then
    // call stateD function
    // with passing n[1:] to it

// Function for transition
// state C
function stateC(n)

  // length() of String
  // become 0 then
  // print Accepted
  if (n.length == 0)

    // If at index 0
    // 'a' if found then
    // call stateC function
    // with passing n[1:] to it
    if (n[0] == 'a')

    // If at index 0
    // 'b' if found then
    // call stateQ function
    // with passing n to it

// Function for transition
// state D
function stateD(n)

  // length() of String
  // become 0 then
  // print Accepted
  if (n.length() == 0)

    // If at index 0
    // 'a' if found then
    // call stateC function
    // with passing n[1:] to it
    if (n[0] == 'a')

    // If at index 0
    // 'b' if found then
    // call stateQ function
    // with passing n to it

// Function for state Q
// transition
function stateQ(n)

  // In dead state
  // it shows String
  // not accepted
  document.write("Not Accepted");

// Driver code

    // Take String input
  let n ="aaaba";

  // Call stateA to check the input

  // This code is contributed by sanjoy_62.
Not Accepted
***时间复杂度** : O(N)* ***辅助空间** : O(N)*