Java 中的 BigDecimal 求反()函数
原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/big decimal-否定-java 中的函数/
The java.math.BigDecimal.negate() method returns a BigDecimal whose value is the negated value of the BigDecimal with which it is used.
java public BigDecimal negate()
返回值:该方法返回 BigDecimal 对象的负值,其小数位数为 this.scale()。
下面的程序将举例说明 Java . math . bigdecimal . invoke()函数的使用: 程序 1 :
```java // Java program to demonstrate negate() method import java.math.*;
public class GFG {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create a BigDecimal object BigDecimal num;
// Assign value to num num = new BigDecimal("4743");
System.out.println( "Negated value is " + num.negate() ); } } ```
```java Negated value is -4743
程序 2:
```java // Java program to demonstrate negate() method import java.math.*;
public class GFG {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create a BigDecimal object BigDecimal num;
// Assign value to num num = new BigDecimal("-9674283517.97");
System.out.println( "Negated value is " + num.negate() ); } } ```
```java Negated value is 9674283517.97
The java.math.BigDecimal.negate(MathContext mc) method returns a BigDecimal whose value is the negated value of it, i.e. obtained by rounding off according to the precision settings specified by the object of MathContext class.
java public BigDecimal negate(MathContext mc)
参数:该方法只接受 MathContext 类对象的一个参数 mc ,该参数指定舍入大小数的精度设置。
下面的程序将举例说明 Java . math . bigdecimal . negation(MathContext MC)方法的使用: 程序 1
```java // Java program to demonstrate negate(MathContext mc) method import java.math.*;
public class GFG {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// create 2 BigDecimal objects BigDecimal num, negv;
MathContext mc = new MathContext(4); // 4 precision
// assign value to num num = new BigDecimal("78.6714");
// assign negate value of num to negv using mc negv = num.negate(mc); System.out.println("Negated value, rounded to 4"+ " precision " + negv); } } ```
```java Negated value, rounded to 4 precision -78.67
程序 2
```java // Java program to demonstrate negate(MathContext mc) method import java.math.*;
public class GFG {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// create 2 BigDecimal objects BigDecimal num, negv;
MathContext mc = new MathContext(12); // 12 precision
// assign value to num num = new BigDecimal("-178901456.68431");
// assign negate value of num to negv using mc negv = num.negate(mc); System.out.println("Negated value, rounded to 12 "+ "precision " + negv); } } ```
```java Negated value, rounded to 12 precision 178901456.684
参考: https://docs . Oracle . com/javase/7/docs/API/Java/math/bigdecimal . html # negative()