Java 中的 BigInteger intValue()方法

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/big integer-int value-method-in-Java/

Java . math . BigInteger . IntValue()将这个 BigInteger 转换成一个整数值。如果这个函数返回的值太大,无法放入整数值,那么它将只返回低阶的 32 位。此外,这种转换可能会丢失关于 BigInteger 值的整体大小的信息。这个方法也可以返回符号相反的结果。


public int intValue()



Input: BigInteger1=32145
Output: 32145
Explanation: BigInteger1.intValue()=32145.

Input: BigInteger1=4326516236135
Output: 1484169063
Explanation: BigInteger1.intValue()=1484169063\. This BigInteger is too big for 
intValue so it is returning lower 32 bit.

示例 1:下面的程序说明了 BigInteger 类的 intValue()方法

// Java program to demonstrate 
// intValue() method of BigInteger

import java.math.BigInteger;

public class GFG {

    public static void main(String[] args)

        // Creating 2 BigInteger objects
        BigInteger b1, b2;

        b1 = new BigInteger("32145");
        b2 = new BigInteger("7613721");

        // apply intValue() method
        int intValueOfb1 = b1.intValue();
        int intValueOfb2 = b2.intValue();

        // print intValue
        System.out.println("intValue of "
                           + b1 + " : " + intValueOfb1);
        System.out.println("intValue of "
                           + b2 + " : " + intValueOfb2);


intValue of 32145 : 32145
intValue of 7613721 : 7613721

例 2:当返回的整数对于 int 值来说太大时。

// Java program to demonstrate 
// intValue() method of BigInteger

import java.math.BigInteger;

public class GFG {

    public static void main(String[] args)

        // Creating 2 BigInteger objects
        BigInteger b1, b2;

        b1 = new BigInteger("4326516236135");
        b2 = new BigInteger("251362466336");

        // apply intValue() method
        int intValueOfb1 = b1.intValue();
        int intValueOfb2 = b2.intValue();

        // print intValue
        System.out.println("intValue of "
                           + b1 + " : " + intValueOfb1);
        System.out.println("intValue of "
                           + b2 + " : " + intValueOfb2);


intValue of 4326516236135 : 1484169063
intValue of 251362466336 : -2040604128

参考: 大整数完整性()文件