Java 中的 BigInteger getLowestSetBit()方法

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/big integer-getlowestsetbit-method-in-Java/

先决条件: 大整数基础知识

Java . math . BigInteger . getLowestSetBit()方法返回这个 BigInteger 最右边(最低阶)集合位的索引。这意味着此方法返回最右边设置位右边的零位或未设置位的数量。如果 BigInteger 不包含设置位,那么这个方法将返回-1。该方法计算(这个大整数==0?-1:log2(this big integer&-this big integer))


public int getLowestSetBit()




Input: value = 2300 
Output: 2
Binary Representation of 2300 = 100011111100
The lowest set bit index is 2

Input: value = 35000 
Output: 3

下面程序举例说明了 getLowestSetBit()方法的 BigInteger:

// Program to illustrate the getLowestSetBit()
// method of BigInteger 

import java.math.*;

public class GFG {

    public static void main(String[] args)

        // Create BigInteger object
        BigInteger biginteger = new BigInteger("2300");

        // Call getLowestSetBit() method on bigInteger
        // Store the return value as Integer lowestsetbit
        int lowestSetbit = biginteger.getLowestSetBit();

        String lsb = "After applying getLowestSetBit on " + biginteger +
                       " we get index of lowest set bit = " + lowestSetbit;

        // Printing result


After applying getLowestSetBit on 2300 we get index of lowest set bit = 2

参考:https://docs . Oracle . com/javae/7/docs/API/Java/math/big integer . html # get test bit()