Java 中的 Character.isLetterOrDigit(),示例

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/character-isletterordigit-in-Java-with-examples/

java . lang . character . IsletterOrdigit(char ch)是 Java 中的一个内置方法,用于确定指定的字符是字母还是数字。


public static boolean isLetterOrDigit(char ch)

参数:该函数接受单个强制参数 ch ,表示要测试的字符。



程序 1:

// Java program to illustrate the
// Character.isLetterOrDigit() method

import java.lang.*;

public class GFG {

    public static void main(String[] args)

        // two characters
        char c1 = 'Z', c2 = '2';

        // Function to check if the character is letter or digit
        boolean bool1 = Character.isLetterOrDigit(c1);
        System.out.println(c1 + " is a letter/digit ? " + bool1);

        // Function to check if the character is letter or digit
        boolean bool2 = Character.isLetterOrDigit(c2);
        System.out.println(c2 + " is a letter/digit ? " + bool2);


Z is a letter/digit ? true
2 is a letter/digit ? true


// Java program to illustrate the
// Character.isLetterOrDigit() method

import java.lang.*;

public class GFG {

    public static void main(String[] args)

        // assign character
        char c1 = 'D', c2 = '/';

        // Function to check if the character is letter or digit
        boolean bool1 = Character.isLetterOrDigit(c1);
        System.out.println(c1 + " is a letter/digit ? " + bool1);

        // Function to check if the character is letter or digit
        boolean bool2 = Character.isLetterOrDigit(c2);
        System.out.println(c2 + " is a letter/digit ? " + bool2);


D is a letter/digit ? true
/ is a letter/digit ? false

参考:https://docs . Oracle . com/javase/7/docs/API/Java/lang/character . html # isLetterOrDigit(char)