Java 中 Character.isHighSurrogate()方法,带示例

原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/character-ishightsurrogate-method-in-Java-with-examples/

java . lang . character . IshighSuperation()是 Java 中的一个内置方法,它确定给定的字符值是否是 Unicode 高替代代码单元(也称为前导替代代码单元)。这些值本身并不表示字符,而是用于表示 UTF-16 编码中的补充字符。


public static boolean isHighSurrogate(char ch)

参数:该函数接受一个指定待测值的强制参数 ch

返回值:函数返回一个布尔值。如果字符值在最小 _ 高 _ 代理和最大 _ 高 _ 代理之间(含这两个值),返回的值为,否则为

下面的程序举例说明了 Character.isHighSurrogate()方法:

程序 1:

// Java program to illustrate the
// Character.isHighSurrogate() method
import java.lang.*;

public class gfg {

    public static void main(String[] args)

        // create 2 char primitives c1, c2
        char c1 = '\u0a4f', c2 = '\ud8b4';

        // assign isHighSurrogate results of
        // c1, c2 to boolean primitives bool1, bool2
        boolean bool1 = Character.isHighSurrogate(c1);
        System.out.println("c1 is a Unicode"+
        "high-surrogate code unit ? " + bool1);

        boolean bool2 = Character.isHighSurrogate(c2);
        System.out.println("c2 is a Unicode"+ 
        "high-surrogate code unit ? " + bool2);


c1 is a Unicodehigh-surrogate code unit ? false
c2 is a Unicodehigh-surrogate code unit ? true

程序 2:

// Java program to illustrate the
// Character.isHighSurrogate() method
import java.lang.*;

public class gfg {

    public static void main(String[] args)

        // create 2 char primitives c1, c2
        char c1 = '\u0b9f', c2 = '\ud5d5';

        // assign isHighSurrogate results of
        // c1, c2 to boolean primitives bool1, bool2
        boolean bool1 = Character.isHighSurrogate(c1);
        System.out.println("c1 is a Unicode" + 
        "high-surrogate code unit ? " + bool1);

        boolean bool2 = Character.isHighSurrogate(c2);
        System.out.println("c2 is a Unicode" + 
        "high-surrogate code unit ? " + bool2);


c1 is a Unicodehigh-surrogate code unit ? false
c2 is a Unicodehigh-surrogate code unit ? false