Java 中的字符 getType()方法,带示例

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/character-gettype-method-in-Java-with-examples/

  1. The Character.getType(char ch) is an inbuilt method in java that returns a value indicating a character’s general category. This method cannot handle supplementary characters. To support all Unicode characters, including supplementary characters, use the getType(int) method.


    java public static int getType(char ch)

    参数:该方法接受字符数据类型的一个参数 ch ,该参数是指要测试的字符。


    下面的程序说明了 Character.getType(char ch)方法的使用: 程序 1:

    ```java import java.lang.*;

    public class gfg {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

    // Create 2 character primitives ch1, ch2 and assigning values       char c1 = 'K', c2 = '%';

    // Assign getType values of c1, c2 to int primitives int1, int2       int int1 = Character.getType(c1);       int int2 = Character.getType(c2);

    String str1 = "Category of " + c1 + " is " + int1;       String str2 = "Category of " + c2 + " is " + int2;

    System.out.println( str1 );       System.out.println( str2 );    } } ```


    ```java Category of K is 1 Category of % is 24


    程序 2:

    ```java import java.lang.*;

    public class gfg {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

    // Create 2 character primitives ch1, ch2 and assigning values       char c1 = 'T', c2 = '^';

    // Assign getType values of c1, c2 to inyt primitives int1, int2      int int1 = Character.getType(c1);      int int2 = Character.getType(c2);

    String str1 = "Category of " + c1 + " is " + int1;       String str2 = "Category of " + c2 + " is " + int2;

    System.out.println(str1);       System.out.println(str2);    } } ```


    ```java Category of T is 1 Category of ^ is 27


  2. The java.lang.Character getType(int codePoint) is similar to previous method in all the manner, this method can handle supplementary characters.


    ```java public static int getType(int codePoint)


    参数:该方法接受整数数据类型的单个参数码点,并引用要测试的字符(Unicode 码点)。

    返回值:这个方法返回一个 int 类型的值,代表字符的一般类别。

    以下程序演示了上述方法: 程序 1:

    ```java // Java program to demonstrate // the above method import java.lang.*;

    public class gfg {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

    // int primitives c1, c2       int c1 = 0x0037, c2 = 0x016f;

    // Assign getType values of c1, c2 to int primitives int1, int2      int int1 = Character.getType(c1);      int int2 = Character.getType(c2);

    // Print int1, int2 values       System.out.println(  "Category of c1 is " + int1);       System.out.println(  "Category of c1 is " + int2);    } } ```


    ```java Category of c1 is 9 Category of c1 is 2


    程序 2:

    ```java // Java program to demonstrate // the above method import java.lang.*;

    public class gfg {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

    // int primitives c1, c2       int c1 = 0x0135, c2 = 0x015f;

    // Assign getType values of c1, c2 to int primitives int1, int2      int int1 = Character.getType(c1);      int int2 = Character.getType(c2);

    // Print int1, int2 values       System.out.println(  "Category of c1 is " + int1);       System.out.println(  "Category of c1 is " + int2);    } } ```


    ```java Category of c1 is 2 Category of c1 is 2


    参考:https://docs . Oracle . com/javase/7/docs/API/Java/lang/character . html # getType(char)