Java 中的 Calendar.get()方法


java.util.Calendar.get()方法是 java.util.Calendar 类的一个方法。Calendar 类提供了一些在包外实现具体日历系统的方法。日历字段的一些示例有:年、日、月、周、年、年、分、秒、小时、上午、下午、月、月、月、日。


public int get(int field)

where, field represents the given calendar
field and the function returns the value of
given field.


应用程序: 示例 1: 获取日期、月份、年份

// Java code to implement calendar.get() function
import java.util.*;

class GFG {

// Driver code
public static void main(String[] args) {

    // creating a calendar
    Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();

    // get the value of DATE field
    System.out.println("Day : " +

    // get the value of MONTH field
    System.out.println("Month : " +

    // get the value of YEAR field
    System.out.println("Year : " + 


Day : 1
Month : 2
Year : 2018

示例 2 : 获取一周中的某一天、一年中的某一天、一月中的某一周、一年中的某一周。

// Java Code of calendar.get() function
import java.util.*;

class GFG {

// Driver code
public static void main(String[] args) {

    // creating a calendar
    Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();

    // get the value of DATE_OF_WEEK field
    System.out.println("Day of week : " + 

    // get the value of DAY_OF_YEAR field
    System.out.println("Day of year : " +

    // get the value of WEEK_OF_MONTH field
    System.out.println("Week in Month : " + 

    // get the value of WEEK_OF_YEAR field
    System.out.println("Week in Year : " + 

    // get the value of DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH field
    System.out.println("Day of Week in Month : " +


Day of week : 5
Day of year : 60
Week in Month : 1
Week in Year : 9
Day of Week in Month : 1

示例 3 : 获取小时、分钟、秒和 AM_PM。

// Implementation of calendar.get()
// function in Java
import java.util.*;

class GFG {

    // Driver code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // creating a calendar
        Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();

        // get the value of HOUR field
        System.out.println("Hour : " + c.get(Calendar.HOUR));

        // get the value of MINUTE field
        System.out.println("Minute : " + c.get(Calendar.MINUTE));

        // get the value of SECOND field
        System.out.println("Second : " + c.get(Calendar.SECOND));

        // get the value of AM_PM field
        System.out.println("AM or PM : " + c.get(Calendar.AM_PM));

        // get the value of HOUR_OF_DAY field
        System.out.println("Hour (24-hour clock) : " + c.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY));


Hour : 6
Minute : 51
Second : 53
AM or PM : 0
Hour (24-hour clock) : 6