使用字符串添加带浮点数的文本。C# 中的 Format()方法

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/add-text-with-float-number-use-string-format-method-in-c-sharp/

这里的任务是使用字符串添加带有浮点数的文本 T 。Format() 方法。


输入: F = 12.3,T =【ABC】 T3】输出: 12abc.abc3

输入: F = 0.0,T =【极客】 T3】输出:极客 0.0 极客

可以使用字符串将文本 T 添加到浮点数 F 中。格式()方法如下:

  • 仅在浮点数 F.整数部分的左侧添加文本 T
  • 仅在浮点数整数部分的右侧添加文本 T****
  • 仅在浮点数 F.小数部分的左侧添加文本 T
  • 仅在浮点数小数部分的右侧添加文本 T****
  • 将文字 T 添加到浮点数f小数点两侧
  • 将文本 T 添加到浮点数f的两侧


示例 1: 仅在浮点数 F.组成部分的左侧添加文本 T


// C# program to add text T 
// only to left of integral 
// part of a float number F.

using System;

public class GFG{

    // function to add text at
    // left of integral part 
    // of a float number.
    static string Add_text(float F, string T)
        // string format
        string s = "{0:";
        s += T;
        s += "0.0}";

        // use of String.Format() method
        return String.Format(s, F);

    // Main Method
    static void Main(string[] args)
        float F = 12.3f;
        string T = "abc";

        //function calling
        string str = Add_text(F, T);

        // print the added text float number



示例 2: 仅在浮点数 F.组成部分的右侧添加文本 T


// C# program to add text T 
// only to right of integral 
// part of a float number F.

using System;

public class GFG{

    // function to add text at
    // right of integral part 
    // of a float number.
    static string Add_text(float F, string T)
        // string format
        string s = "{0:0";
        s += T;
        s += ".0}";

        // use of String.Format() method
        return String.Format(s, F);

    // Main Method
    static void Main(string[] args)
        float F = 12.3f;
        string T = "abc";

        // function calling
        string str = Add_text(F, T);

        // print the added text float number



示例 3: 仅在浮点数 F.小数部分的左侧添加文本 T


// C# program to add text T 
// only to left of fractional 
// part of a float number F.

using System;

public class GFG{

    // function to add text at
    // left of fractional part 
    // of a float number F.
    static string Add_text(float F, string T)
        // string format
        string s = "{0:0.";
        s += T;
        s += "0}";

        // use of String.Format() method
        return String.Format(s, F);

    // Main Method
    static void Main(string[] args)
        float F = 12.3f;
        string T = "abc";

        // function calling
        string str = Add_text(F, T);

        // print the added text
        // float number



示例 4: 仅在浮点数 F.小数部分的右侧添加文本 T


// C# program to add text T 
// only to right of fractional 
// part of a float number F.

using System;

public class GFG{

    // function to add text at
    // right of fractional part 
    // of a float number F.
    static string Add_text(float F, string T)
        // string format
        string s = "{0:0.0";
        s += T;
        s += "}";

        // use of String.Format() method
        return String.Format(s, F);

    // Main Method
    static void Main(string[] args)
        float F = 12.3f;
        string T = "abc";

        // function calling
        string str = Add_text(F, T);

        // print the added text float number



示例 5: 在浮点数 F.小数点两侧添加文本 T


// C# program to add text
// to both side of decimal
// point of a float number

using System;

public class GFG{

    // function to add text at
    // both side of decimal
    // point of a float number
    static string Add_text(float F, string T)
        // string format
        string s = "{0:0";
        s += T;
        s += ".";
        s += T;
        s += "0}";

        // use of String.Format() method
        return String.Format(s, F);

    // Main Method
    static void Main(string[] args)
        float F = 12.3f;
        string T = "abc";

        // function calling
        string str = Add_text(F, T);

        // print the added text float number



示例 6: 在浮点数的两侧添加文本 T****


// C# program to add text
// to both side of a float number

using System;

public class GFG{

    // function to add text at
    // both side of a float number
    static string Add_text(float F, string T)
        // string format
        string s = "{0:";
        s += T;
        s += "0.0";
        s += T;
        s += "}";

        // use of String.Format() method
        return String.Format(s, F);

    // Main Method
    static void Main(string[] args)
        float F = 12.3f;
        string T = "abc";

        // function calling
        string str = Add_text(F, T);

        // print the added text float number

