C# |抽象类


c# 中的抽象 就是隐藏内部细节,只展示功能性的过程。抽象修饰语表示未完全实现。关键字抽象用于类或方法之前,将类或方法声明为抽象。此外,抽象修饰符可以与 索引器 、事件和 属性 一起使用。


public abstract void geek();
// this indicates the method 'geek()' is abstract

abstract class gfg
// this indicates the class 'gfg' is abstract

抽象方法:声明为抽象的方法,没有“体”,只在抽象类内部声明。必须使用 override 关键字在所有非抽象类中实现抽象方法。重写后,抽象方法在非抽象类中。我们可以在另一个类中派生这个类,同样,我们可以用它重写同一个抽象方法。


public abstract void geek();
// the method 'geek()' is abstract

抽象类:这是 C# 中实现抽象的方式。抽象类从来不打算被直接实例化。该类必须至少包含一个抽象方法,在类定义中用关键字或修饰符抽象标记。抽象类通常用于定义类层次结构中的基类。或者换句话说,抽象类是我们不能实例化的不完整类或者特殊类。抽象类的目的是为派生类提供蓝图,并设置派生类继承抽象类时必须实现的一些规则。我们可以使用抽象类作为基类,所有的派生类都必须实现抽象定义。


abstract class gfg{}
// class 'gfg' is abstract


  • 一般我们在继承的时候使用抽象类。
  • 用户必须在子类中声明为抽象的方法之前使用覆盖关键字,抽象类用于在子类中继承。
  • 抽象类不能被结构继承。
  • 它可以包含构造函数或析构函数。
  • 它可以用非抽象方法实现函数。
  • 它不能支持多重继承。
  • 不可能是静止的。

示例 1: 显示抽象类工作的程序


// C# program to show the
// working of abstract class
using System;

// abstract class 'GeeksForGeeks'
public abstract class GeeksForGeeks {

    // abstract method 'gfg()'
    public abstract void gfg();


// class 'GeeksForGeeks' inherit
// in child class 'Geek1'
public class Geek1 : GeeksForGeeks

    // abstract method 'gfg()'
    // declare here with
    // 'override' keyword
    public override void gfg()
        Console.WriteLine("class Geek1");

// class 'GeeksForGeeks' inherit in
// another child class 'Geek2'
public class Geek2 : GeeksForGeeks

    // same as the previous class
    public override void gfg()
        Console.WriteLine("class Geek2");

// Driver Class
public class main_method {

    // Main Method
    public static void Main()

        // 'g' is object of class
        // 'GeeksForGeeks' class '
        // GeeksForGeeks' cannot
        // be instantiate
        GeeksForGeeks g;

        // instantiate class 'Geek1'
        g = new Geek1();

        // call 'gfg()' of class 'Geek1'

        // instantiate class 'Geek2' 
        g = new Geek2();

        // call 'gfg()' of class 'Geek2'



class Geek1
class Geek2

例 2: 用抽象类和抽象方法计算正方形面积的程序


// C# program to calculate the area
// of a Square using abstract class
// and abstract method
using System;

// declare class 'AreaClass'
// as abstract
abstract class AreaClass
    // declare method
    // 'Area' as abstract
    abstract public int Area();

// class 'AreaClass' inherit
// in child class 'Square'
class Square : AreaClass
    int side = 0;

    // constructor
    public Square(int n)
        side = n;

    // the abstract method
    // 'Area' is overridden here
    public override int Area()
        return side * side;

class gfg {

    // Main Method
    public static void Main()
        Square s = new Square(6);
        Console.WriteLine("Area  = " + s.Area());


Area  = 36

下面是一些关于 C# 中抽象类的重要观察 1) 一个抽象类并不意味着它只包含抽象方法。一个抽象类也可以包含非抽象方法也


abstract class gfg
    public void geek()
        Console.WriteLine("'geek()' is non-abstract method");



// C# program to show the working of
// the non-abstract method in the
// abstract class
using System;

abstract class AbstractClass {

    // Non abstract method
    public int AddTwoNumbers(int Num1, int Num2)
        return Num1 + Num2;

    // An abstract method which
    // overridden in the derived class
    public abstract int MultiplyTwoNumbers(int Num1, int Num2);


// Child Class of AbstractClass
class Derived : AbstractClass {

    // implementing the abstract
    // method 'MultiplyTwoNumbers'
    // using override keyword,
    public override int MultiplyTwoNumbers(int Num1, int Num2)
        return Num1 * Num2;

// Driver Class
class geek {

    // Main Method
    public static void Main()

        // Instance of the derived class
        Derived d = new Derived();

        Console.WriteLine("Addition : {0}\nMultiplication :{1}",
                                          d.AddTwoNumbers(4, 6),
                                    d.MultiplyTwoNumbers(6, 4));


Addition : 10
Multiplication :24

2) 抽象类也可以和一起工作获取设置 访问器



// C# program to show the working
// of abstract class with the
// get and set accessors
using System;

abstract class absClass {

    protected int myNumber;

    public abstract int numbers

class absDerived : absClass {

    // Implementing abstract properties
    public override int numbers
            return myNumber;
            myNumber = value;

// Driver Class
class geek {

    // Main Method
    public static void Main()
        absDerived d = new absDerived();
        d.numbers = 5;
