C# | Convert。获取类型代码(对象)方法

原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/c-sharp-convert-gettypecodeobject-method/


public static TypeCode GetTypeCode (object value);

这里是实现图标可转换界面的对象。 返回值:该方法返回类型码为值,如果,则为空。 以下程序说明了转换的使用。GetTypeCode(Object) 方法: 示例 1:**

c sharp . c sharp . c sharp . c sharp

// C# program to demonstrate
// Convert.GetTypeCode() Method
using System;

class GFG {

    // Main Method
    public static void Main()

        // Declaring val1 and val2
        string val1;
        bool val2;

        // initializing the
        // val1 and val2
        val1 = "abab";
        val2 = true;

        // getting TypeCode
        // using Convert.GetTypeCode() method
        TypeCode t1 = Convert.GetTypeCode(val1);
        TypeCode t2 = Convert.GetTypeCode(val2);

        // Display TypeCode
        Console.WriteLine("TypeCode of val1 is {0}", t1);
        Console.WriteLine("TypeCode of val2 is {0}", t2);


TypeCode of val1 is String
TypeCode of val2 is Boolean

例 2:

c sharp . c sharp . c sharp . c sharp

// C# program to demonstrate
// Convert.GetTypeCode() Method
using System;

class GFG {

    // Main Method
    public static void Main()

        // Declaring val1 and val2
        char val1;
        float val2;

        // initializing the
        // val1 and val2
        val1 = 'a';
        val2 = 20f;

        // calling get() method

    // Defining the get() method
    public static void get(char val)

        // getting TypeCode
        // using Convert.GetTypeCode() method
        TypeCode t = Convert.GetTypeCode(val);

        // Display the TypeCode
        Console.WriteLine("TypeCode of {0}"+
                         " is {1}", val, t);
    public static void get(float val)

        // getting TypeCode
        // using GetTypeCode() method
        TypeCode t = Convert.GetTypeCode(val);

        // Display the TypeCode
        Console.WriteLine("TypeCode of {0}"+
                         " is {1}", val, t);


TypeCode of a is Char
TypeCode of 20 is Single
