C# |获取排序列表对象指定索引处的值

原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/c-sharp-按指定的排序索引获取值列表对象/

排序列表。GetByIndex(Int32)方法用于获取 SortedList 对象的指定索引处的值。


public virtual object GetByIndex (int index);


返回值:返回 SortedList 对象指定索引处的值。

异常:如果索引在 SortedList 对象的有效索引范围之外,此方法将抛出ArgumentOutOfRangeException


例 1:

// C# code to get the value at the specified
// index of a SortedList object.
using System;
using System.Collections;

class Geeks {

    // Main Method
    public static void Main(String[] args)

        // Creating a SortedList of integers
        SortedList mylist = new SortedList();

        // Adding elements to SortedList
        mylist.Add("1", "C++");
        mylist.Add("2", "Java");
        mylist.Add("3", "DSA");
        mylist.Add("4", "Python");
        mylist.Add("5", "C#");

        // getting the indexing and
        // store into a variable
        int i = 4;

        // getting the value at index 4
        Console.WriteLine("Value at index {0} is {1}",
                          i, mylist.GetByIndex(i));


Value at index 4 is C#

例 2:

// C# code to get the value at the specified
// index of a SortedList object.
using System;
using System.Collections;

class Geeks {

    // Main Method
    public static void Main(String[] args)

        // Creating a SortedList of integers
        SortedList mylist = new SortedList();

        // Adding elements to SortedList
        mylist.Add("First", "Ram");
        mylist.Add("Second", "Shyam");
        mylist.Add("Third", "Mohit");
        mylist.Add("Fourth", "Rohit");
        mylist.Add("Fifth", "Manish");

        // getting the indexing and
        // store into a variable
        // it will give error as
        // index is out of range
        int i = 7;

        // getting the value at index 7
        Console.WriteLine("Value at index {0} is {1}",
                          i, mylist.GetByIndex(i));


未处理异常: 系统。ArgumentOutOfRangeException:索引超出范围。必须是非负的,并且小于集合的大小。 参数名称:索引
