C# |装箱拆箱


前提条件:c# 中的数据类型

拳击和拆箱是【c#中的一个重要概念。C# Type 系统包含 三种数据类型 : 值类型(int、char 等)引用类型(object)指针类型。基本上,它将值类型转换为引用类型,反之亦然。装箱和取消装箱实现了类型系统的统一视图,其中任何类型的值都可以被视为对象。

c# 打拳

  • 转换一个 值类型(字符,整型等)的过程。)到一个参考型(物体)叫做
  • 装箱是使用对象类型(超类型)的隐式转换过程。
  • 值类型始终存储在堆栈中。引用的类型存储在堆中。
  • 例:

    ```cs int num = 23; // 23 will assigned to num Object Obj = num; // Boxing


  • Description : First declare a value type variable (num), which is integer type and assigned it with value 23. Now create a references object type (obj) and applied Explicit operation which results in num value type to be copied and stored in object reference type obj as shown in below figure :


  • 让我们用 C# 编程代码来理解拳击:

    ```cs // C# implementation to demonstrate // the Boxing using System; class GFG {

    // Main Method     static public void Main()     {

    // assigned int value         // 2020 to num         int num = 2020;

    // boxing         object obj = num;

    // value of num to be change         num = 100;

    System.Console.WriteLine         ("Value - type value of num is : {0}", num);         System.Console.WriteLine         ("Object - type value of obj is : {0}", obj);     } } ```


    ```cs Value - type value of num is : 100 Object - type value of obj is : 2020


在 C# 中脱氧

  • 参考类型转换为值类型 的过程称为拆箱
  • 它是显式的转换过程。
  • 例:

    ```cs int num = 23; // value type is int and assigned value 23 Object Obj = num; // Boxing int i = (int)Obj; // Unboxing


  • Description : Declaration a value type variable (num), which is integer type and assigned with integer value 23. Now, create a reference object type (obj).The explicit operation for boxing create an value type integer i and applied casting method. Then the referenced type residing on Heap is copy to stack as shown in below figure :


  • 让我们来理解用 C# 编程代码打开的锁:

    ```cs // C# implementation to demonstrate // the Unboxing using System; class GFG {

    // Main Method     static public void Main()     {

    // assigned int value         // 23 to num         int num = 23;

    // boxing         object obj = num;

    // unboxing         int i = (int)obj;

    // Display result         Console.WriteLine("Value of ob object is : " + obj);         Console.WriteLine("Value of i is : " + i);     } } ```


    ```cs Value of ob object is : 23 Value of i is : 23
